Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
For sure price ratio quality  keep some signification ....

For sure nobody has ever heard hundred of speakers in the same conditions in the same house....

Then  price and reviews are some clues to go on with...

But no pair of speakers, sound the same, in various acoustical room, and in various electrical grid, and with various controls of resonance and vibrations...

Then how can we know?

How can we compare more than few speakers in our own house ?

And what would be the results of our own comparison if we had embedded these speakers differently, acoustically, electrically, and mechanically?


My modest speakers are TOTALLY transformed, by some embeddings controls, i know for sure that any speakers can be put at another level by rightfully being embed....

Is Magico are the best?

I dont know..... But probably not.....
I own the 802d3's and question a lack of midrange and upper midrange resolution. I note that they employ 'continuum' midrange cones which are of variable thickness and stated to offer best available clarity via their combination of stiffness and self-damping...self-damping is as all know indeed considered important in loudspeaker cone design.
I auditioned the Rockpor Avior 11 and Cygnus loudspeakers, in respect of which Mr. Eric Squires' comments regarding the Magico A3's caught my 'shimmering color in the mid-treble to treble', and 'extra resonance in the low end of the female voice'.
To my ear the Avior 11's 'dissected' the resonance of violin ensembles in a manner reminiscent of the granular quality of similar music (? 'poorly') recorded in 26/44.1.  The midrange had a 'thin but 'loosely' resonant' quality.  How to compare to 'reality' ?  Well performed violin ensemble music...trio, quartet...sextet...has...'in the flesh''' a vivid but smooth quality, without harshness, without exaggerated 'echo'.  Well-performed orchestral music may, for smaller orchestras, be 'spare' but does not have a 'thin' quality.
In such reproduction both the 802D3's and Rockports to my ear
fall short.  Do the Magico a5's do any better ? .I hope to audition them when covid precautions allow.
I must thank Mr, Squires for his descriptive terms.
If these A5's are better the highly raved "Alyvox Panel" speakers and Bayz Audio Counterpoints then I say.. the Magico A5's are a cure for cancer !..
My local dealer said the A5 is nice but not at the level of resolution of the M2.. but that is to be expected given the price difference. If the A5 had that diamond coated tweeter it would have been truly incredible. But I am sure they don't want to step on the toes of the M series too much.
@seventies  Are you saying the Rockports fell short of the A3 including the Cygnus? If so thats pretty mind blowing.