Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
Thanks Doug.
Is this a relatively new method as I don’t think I’ve ever read any cable manufacturer offering their interconnects doubled and soldered into a single connector.

Can expensive interconnects be damaged when disassembling the incorporated connectors and then resoldering 2 cables into a single connector? Is there ANY downside to this method?

How does the changeover work. A person buys their preferred interconnects and ships them off to a person to double them up and put the ends in a connector?
And if I may ask, if this Double IC truly is the bees knees and would make their cables and thus a reference system sound even better, why haven’t cable manufactures hit the ground running with this method....

vinylshadow, I and one other person are seeking a patent; application is submitted and in process.   :) 

I suggest you buy them from Audio Sensibility, Anticables, or the like. If you read up on my article and follow ups, I strongly suggest initially to use quality Y cables to "build" your own prior to ordering manufactured. The home built are not as good as manufactured, but still substantially better than single. Some have mixed cables in the self-made sets. Again, disclaimer applies at this point. 

If you wanted a company to work with your own selection of cable, you would have to make arrangements. 

Doug. Best of luck with your patent!
Is there a limit on how high the quality or expense the interconnects used are. In other words, is what makes the S.M. special is that you can use 2 sets of less expensive cables to get the sonics of a very expensive cable? As some pairs of interconnects are over $2000! Shoot, even $5000!
I imagine that the best option is to use 2 of the same interconnects, whichever you choose.

I like your idea of using Y cables as it is reversible but if I’m going to try this, I think I might look into a company to solder interconnects into one connector on both ends.

Do you have a recommended RCA plug as some use Keith Eichman’s and some use multi layered gold plated connectors...

Your necessary disclaimer still gets me nervous but do you have a link to any reference system reviews of the S.M.? I’m scouring the interwebs to find them. Thanks.
vinylshadow, succinctly, no limit; my experience is that Schroeder Method works on both economical and high end cables. Note once again, I am not suggesting open trials of passively networked cables such as MIT. I simply do not know the effects, but will not endorse it without support for the idea. 

It does not, in my experience cause cheap cables to leapfrog more expensive ones. Sorry; quality rule still applies. It might even be said that the better/more favored the cable, the more it will benefit from the Method. 

I have only officially recommended homogenous sets, but some are using mixed and with good results. Your call. 

I use, depending upon application, both Audioquest and Audio Sensibility Y cables. I do not like the degradation I have heard in use of splitters for XLR and RCA cables. 

Plugs are all over the place; everyone has a favorite. I assess entire cables, not DIY, so I'm not your authority on naked plugs. 

I believe there are several $20-50K rigs out there using the Schroeder Method. I have found no limits on performance enhancements in use of Schroeder Method of IC Placement associated with the quality of the rig. 
I have the Benchmark AHB2 and DAC3 and came across this IC method on the Benchmark AHB2 Impressions thread.  So I just ordered a set of balanced XLR Y-cables and IC's from Bluejeans Cables, as an experiment.  The Y-cables and IC's will all be 1 footers to keep the loom of spaghetti under control.  I went from a star quad cable to a lower capacitance Van Damme and immediately noticed a change in the sound that I liked so I am curious to see how the Schroeder Method works in my setup.