Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
If these A5's are better the highly raved "Alyvox Panel" speakers and Bayz Audio Counterpoints then I say.. the Magico A5's are a cure for cancer !..
My local dealer said the A5 is nice but not at the level of resolution of the M2.. but that is to be expected given the price difference. If the A5 had that diamond coated tweeter it would have been truly incredible. But I am sure they don't want to step on the toes of the M series too much.
@seventies  Are you saying the Rockports fell short of the A3 including the Cygnus? If so thats pretty mind blowing.
If you asked me the best playback i ever heard was a £500,000 fm acoustics system which really sounded like live music using FM amps, and speakers.
I second that -- auditioned at FM acoustics' room. And the system was fantastic even using the mid-range pre.
Where did you audition the system?

The Magico M series is excellent to my ears, a bit difficult to drive well.

Another speakers worthy of mention is the Giya 1 by Vivid audio. I think they offer better dynamic impact -- but haven't compared them side to side to the Magicos
I heard the FM at a show called 'the indulgence show' in London. FM are a very rare and exotic bird in the UK and I jumped at the chance. They played it with a band as comparison. Incredible.

What amp do you use with the Magico. On some DArtzeels they sound a bit flat and meh - but when i've heard them with Soullution or Constellations they have sounded superb.

Vivids - excellent speakers...
smodtactical and others
I referenced Erik Squires' comments regarding the A3, I have not heard them.  I did audition the Rockport Avior 11, digital source, and  Rockport Cygnus loudspeakers, analog and digital sources, and I own the B&W 802d3's.  I wish there were means to directly compare the B&W, Magico and Rockport speakers.  As I said, the Rockport Avior 11's reproduction of orchestral sound 'seemed' to dissect sonic timbres such that a large orchestra's sound resembled the sound of a much smaller, chamber orchestra.  I can described this characteristic as 'thin and loosely resonant'.  Could this perceived characteristic due to diminished midrange speaker cone 'self-damping'  ?  Conversely, is the B&W 'continuum' speaker cone material a source of 'fatter' midrange and lesser midrange resolution due to its self-damping quality, and was the choice of cone material 'tuned' to American listeners of non-classical music ?  Further, is there 'self-damping' inherent in the vinyl lathe cutting process such that loudspeaker cones with lesser self-damping are a better 'match' for analog reproduction ?