Baby Proof Floorstanding Speakers

Hello! I have an 8 month old baby and she's starting to get pretty nimble. Instead of playing with her baby toys, she enjoys trying to push over Daddy's Piega C10LTD speakers. They weigh around 130 pounds and are a bit wobbly. My wife says they have to go, and she's right, because if they somehow got knocked over they could cause a lot of damage.

So I'm now looking to find a pair of floorstanders that are baby-proof. What this means to be is VERY stable, nearly impossible to knock over. Also grills are a necessity to prevent curious fingers from damaging drivers.

These Piegas sound great ($27k list though I snagged them on ebay for $4k) and so I would like to find something with great sound quality, in particular:
  * Transparent & neutral
  * Big, dynamic sound
  * Full range

...and to make things even easier, I have a budget of $3k used.

Can you help me restore my stereo while making it safe for my baby? (and soon to be toddler!)

Thank you audio friends!
Google "Speaker Outrigger"

All kinds of stuff and ideas will come up..

20.00 - what ever you want to pay (200.00 max ay).

Custom cut with a CNC and expensive materials. Make a pair of robo legs. A cool million aught to do it... They have kid and animal sensors, they flip up a barricade, and plastic bags cover the speakers...

The real expensive model has a transporter.  It just moves Junior from inside the perimeter to their crib... Huge electric bill though..:-)

LOL.  I use to work on concrete pump trucks.  They have some outriggers. The computer can actually tell you the best way to set them up for stability and safety, GPS..

Hook that to the top of the cabinet.. "Flip" the ol auto level, switch..

It's only 130 lbs.. Hang um... "Hang um HIGH". Weird music, with a kazoo!!


24" X 24" X 2" thick. Look at it.. set up for spikes. Remove the handle, do your body work, paint work... GREAT base... 89.00 shipping included.

OR you can go to a local pump repair shop.. Schwing, Putz.. Sells boom pipe and hoses, they usually have outrigger pads in stock.. AS a courtesy.
50-100.00 usd.. Sonic Nuget for the builder bunch, too..

They can be split and put on a stand mount. Routed for two planars, they make great SOLID wood structures.
NO VOIDS... they will hold 20 metric tons..or more..compressed, 130 no problem..

I am in the same boat as you. My son though was huge for a 2,3, 4 year old and with a running start I think can knock down most floor standers. Between the ages of 2 and 3 my boy just wanted to run and sort of body check things. When he hit 4 his brain said to try something else and he is no longer a threat to knock things over or punch in a driver. I blame most of the past behaviour on my wife’s genes.

So what I did during these first years was get a small bedroom and make it my office/music room that only I went into. I have piece of mind and good sound in this small room. It is not as good as a larger room but when I want to play loud I get out my Meze Empy headphones.

Now that my boy is 4 and more mature I can look into putting even a light weight speaker in the living room.

BTW - great photo of your son and speakers. I love playing tunes in the home office with my 4 year old kid lounging on the bean bag.
Not a perfect solution, but outboard feet will greatly enhance their stability.

Google Soundocity


As above--used their outriggers  multiple times and love them.  Get over-sized ones.  Or, if you have carpet and cheap osb flooring, with a little modification you could literally screw the outriggers right into the osb!!  Now try to knock that over.