Best 40 to 50k used speakers

What would you consider the absolute best speakers on the used market, budget 40 to 50k max.Open to any suggestions thanks.

@thieliste I have the passive model 12 and 19 and the active 150 asl. I also have the Thiel 1.7, 2.2, 3.6, Ultima studio 2 and D& D 8c among others. Nothing I'm afraid really in my ears compares to the active 150. Might be because I listen from the bottom and up. Also sometimes at high spl's. So a very clearly defined bass/low mid is very important for me. And the 150 with the 15" woofer gives me that. Can't really say anything about passive 50's and 100's. Though I know the 110 is popular in studios. However, this is important, without digital amplitude and time correction it wouldn't be fun at all in my not too big room. I run Roon with (Acourate) convolution filters to a Matrix dac/pre.
@gosta I'm impressed at how you were able to fit a pair of 150s in your mid size listening room.You need some serious room treatment with these beasts.I'm gonna try to audition the 100 model as soon as possible.Cheers.
@thieliste Well you soon get used to the my eyes they're beautiful. You just have to spend some dollars on appropriate jewels to the wife :-)