Anyone with experience with Spendor D9's?

Curious to know... they are Spendor’s modern big boy speaker... I have not heard it. Reviews of course are always suspect and not that informative.

Wondering if there are any owners here or others who have in depth knowledge of how these sound, compared to the usual suspects that would be cross shopped... upper Harbeths, ProAcs, KEFs...

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjjss49

funny you mention proacs, i have d30r's as one set i alternate -- 48’s overloaded my room
Yes @jjss49 , I commented on your system page and you never responded :-)
I have treated all the four corners of my room with bass traps. How far from the walls, were the D48Rs when they were in your room? I am surprised that they overloaded your room, because your room is bigger than mine and I do not have any issues with them. In fact I love them and am mesmerized by their clarity, scale and depth. These speakers disappear in my room. If you had issues with the D48Rs, I suspect (unfortunately) that you would have the same issues with the D9. Hope that you can work out with placement with the D9 if you get them. Good luck.
thanks milpai - sorry i didn’t look at the comments in my system page... the photos are hopelessly outdated but i try to keep some of the components somewhat current

d48r’s were in their usual positions for floorstanders, 30-36 in from both walls

i felt the 48’s boomed a little bit.... i was running the audio research ref 110 at that time... 8x kt120’s have a lil mid bass bloom.. i am pretty sensitive to that... felt the 30’s had less that and also gave the mids and highs a little better focus and imaging with its single mid/bass driver
I own D9s (in limited ebony finish) after auditioning for months. 
System (after trial and error): Linn Akurate DS (waiting for Katalyst DAC upgrade) > Pass Labs XP-20 preamp > Pass Labs XA30.8 amp > Spendor D9s. Interconnects are Transparent balanced XLR and speaker cables are custom made Linn K200.

Room is large open plan wood cabin. Sound is fantastic...
@jjss49 ,
Would definitely love to see the new pics.
I have read in a speaker setup guide somewhere (don't recollect where exactly) that the distance of a speaker from front wall and side wall should never be the same. Other posters can correct me. But try to have different distances from front and side walls.

That's a awesome finish. I have seen that on the D7 and they looked gorgeous, as much as they sounded nice! Open rooms always sound fantastic. Enjoy!