Keith Jarrett on the importance of audio sound quality

My little contribution to the forum.

Leave aside KJ is my favorite pianist, his trio my favorite trio (RIP Gary Peacock).

Found this article, him talking about the importance of reproduction quality of what he records.

Good read, many good points that elicit reflection and appreciation.
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Thanks for the article. Will go read!

I listen to KJ and Peacock nearly every day! I didn't know that Peacock had died. Jeebus, I'm disconnected.

I really love Peacock's work with Towner, by the way.

I've read that KJ's live Blue Note recordings are especially good, from an audiophile point of view. Do you have any favorites?

yes the 6 disc blue note series is outstanding, recording wise, and of course performance wise

in general, all kj's ecm recordings are amazing - only exception i recall is standards in norway, was mic'd from too far away, big hall effect but music seemed remote