Best room treatment

Good day everyone.  While I’m waiting for my system to arrive I’m turning my attention to treating our not so good 2 story family room that it will be installed in. There are quite a few brands out there. My question is can anyone who has tried the various  brands recommend the ones that work the best for absorption and diffusion. Thank you
Hi Tim. It is quite a lot of info to take in. I’m reading Earl Geddes article right now. Thanks for your advice. I was wondering if a swarm system would eliminate the need for at least some bass trap panels therefore saving some money. 
Hello ronboco,

     When I first installed the AK Debra 4-sub distributed bass array(DBA) system in my 23’x16’ living/listening/home theater room, the only acoustic room treatments in my room were wall to wall carpeting and some padded leather furniture. The AK Debra is almost identical to the Swarm except the subs are slightly narrower and not as square. I also used no room correction software or hardware. The Debra system, however, still performed amazingly well.
     In fact it worked so well that later, when I was working with GIK to finally add some room treatments to optimize my room acoustically (that was long overdue), I was very concerned that any changes to my room might negatively effect my system’s newly achieved near state of the art bass performance. I didn’t want to jinx anything.
     But after adding GIK’s recommended stacked bass traps in all 4 corners of my room along with over twenty additional 2’x4’ absorption and diffusion acoustic panels strategically distributed on all 4 walls, the bass still subjectively sounded exceptionally good to me, I did notice a dramatic improvement in midrange, treble and stereo imaging performance in my room with the addition of the room treatments but not any discernible negative effects to the bass performance.
     I did no before and after room frequency response measurements of my room. But I suspect, if I had, they would show significant improvements in bass response after the addition of the swarm DBA, which was maintained after the addition of the extensive GIK room treatments along with significant improvements in midrange and treble performance post room treatments.
     So, what have I learned from all this and what does it mean for your room? My current thoughts are the following:

1. Just because I subjectively noticed no significant positive or negative effects to bass performance of the swarm with the addition of the numerous bass traps in my room, and since I performed no objective before and after room frequency response measurements, I can’t definitively state there were no improvements in bass frequency response performance in my room.
2. I have learned that improving measured bass frequency response in a room can have positive effects on measured midrange frequency response, which is subjectively perceived as increased midrange clarity and detail.
I definitely perceived increased midrange, treble and stereo imaging performance after the installation of the room treatments. But again, I can’t be certain whether these improvements were primarily the result of the bass traps or the numerous midrange/treble absorption and diffusion panels in the room. I suspect the improvements are the result of a combination of both.
So for your room, I don’t think you’ll need bass traps initially but, once you’re ready to install room treatments for midrange and treble performance, it’s probably safer and best to also include bass traps. Or you could treat it as a learning experiment by installing the bass traps last and determining whether you subjectively perceive any changes to midrange, treble and stereo imaging performance after installing them.

3. I believe before and after objective room frequency response measurements are very important for clearly, accurately and objectively understanding how well your system is performing and the effectiveness of any added room treatments.
I regret not doing them and suggest you may as well.

Best wishes,
Hello Tim ,

    I am now thoroughly excited about the swarm system. I’m going to beg borrow and steal for some more money. I am wondering though if our room is just not good enough to achieve the sound quality I’m hoping for. 18 ft. High ceilings with windows on the right side and stairs and upstairs walkway on the other. There are really only two corners for bass traps and only 4 inches between the wall and windows so I could not stack all the way to the ceiling. It would be a top, middle , bottom trap set up of about 2 ft sections. We are running curtains from the top window to the floor on both sides. The fireplace is in the middle so any wall treatments would have to start about 6 ft up.  In regards to the 2’x4’ panels from GIK did you use strictly absorption and diffusion? It seems they have some that have a combination of each characteristic. Do you think panels will be needed all the way to the top or will about half way up be sufficient. I’m assuming the ceilings will also need some panels. One of the videos I watched recommended absorption and diffusion on the ceiling. 
The worse the room, the greater the advantages of the Swarm. Do that first, then wait and see. Odds are you won't need any bass traps. 

As for panels, find a local hardware store that will sell you a couple sheets of Owens Corning 703 insulating panels. They're what GIK and everyone else wraps inside their fancy acoustic panels. In raw form the panels are ugly yellow but very light weight and dirt cheap making them a perfect way to experiment and determine what (if anything) you need, and where.  

Diffusion panels are a little more involved. But remember, everything in the room is either reflecting (diffusing) or absorbing. You could hang framed art on the wall, tilt it down slightly, you got a diffuser.
I will consider strongly making them myself as my WAF financial tank is running on fumes. I have another question in regards to bass swarming. What is the probability that one or more of the subs will end up in a bad spot like out in the middle of the room to get the best sound ?