Gallo 3.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe

I'm looking to upgrade to different speakers. At the moment I'm running Gallo Strada's with a T3 Sub. While I enjoy this system, I would like a little more coherence and weight. Some more musicality would be nice too. I've been given the opportunity to get a pair of used Merlin VSM-Mxe with super bam for a nice price, or a new pair of Gallo 3.5's for the same $.
Any ideas?
"m, i asked if you have heard them?"

No, but I have heard a lot of top notch similar monitors and have a good feel for what is possible out of a speaker that size. I've also read a lot about the MErlins.

As I said, I have no doubt they can perform extremely well as do the others, especially in smaller rooms.

But the fact is there is only so much you can wean out of a small box with small drivers.

For some rooms, that may be enough though, granted.
the problem with the merlins is, that you need to spend,
close to $6000 in cables, let alone the amplification,
to mask the lean nature of the sound they produce,
withought cardas cables, they sound like a table top radio,
switched to proac D38, and I'm in heaven:

Juancgenao, you have very unique hearing if the Merlin sounds like a table top radio to you, with ANY cables (well, most any, I'm sure you could find something to screw up the sound of any amp/speaker). Do like the ProAcs though, owned two version over the years.
I think the 3.5s will give a richer presentation than the Strada's, and will represent a nice upgrade.

Now that I think about it, in hearing the descriptions here, both the Gallos have an "airy" (baffleless?) sound. I think they are lovely (esp. for the $), and I'm particularly keen on the 3.5, but if G is looking for more "heft" in sound, he might want to think about a box design. (I have not heard the v3.5s with the bass amp, though.)

Juan I agree that cables are important with the Merlin philosophy but I don't think table top radio is fair. Besides, with copper costing what it does high end cables can be a money maker! I purchased two new meter long Cardas GR 4 years ago which I sold after 2 years with swapping out systems. I recently changed up again only to find the same cable was up by 35%. Anyway, your point is well taken as bobby has looked at all the options to maxamize his speaker which of course includes cables. You wouldn't buy a ferrari and use regular gas would you?