What’s the best DAC match for the Cambridge Audio CXC original or V2?

So I currently have an Oppo BDP 93 and a Schiit Bifrost Multi DAC. I keep reading over and over that the Cambridge CXC transport is the best in its price range, but I’ve seen little about what DAC’s pair well with it. My preamp is an ARC, SP9 MKll, and my amps are Acoustat servo’s. I’m also not opposed to keeping the Oppo and trying a different DAC.

New, used. Price TBT.

Thanks all.

Thanks mensch,

I’ll start reading about the Orchid and the Tunadour.

All the best.


jim - people are asking you what type of sound are you looking for

all dacs recommend will work fine with your cambridge cdt

there is a leaner. brighter, more 'transparent', rather (good) solid state sounding school of dacs

then there is a more dimensional warmer, fuller more analog school of sound in dac voicing, more tubey if you will (even if they use tubes)

many good dacs in either school
To answer your question, I am using a Heed Abacus DAC with my CXC. It sounds very good to me. Bought a Wireworld digital cable for $100 and it seems to work well, although I haven't compared it to anything else. 
A not-unrelated question is this:

Of the Dacs which meet your (a) price point, (b) possible sonic preferences, which are (c) available to try out in your present system? As many point out, it's very hard to make snap judgements about audio. It helps to live with something for a little while. If you had two Dacs which were both reasonable candidates, get them both into your home on trial and take some time listening to them. It's better than buying quickly, selling, buying again. Just a thought.