Help me decide my next amp

Hello Gents,
Currently I own pair of Sonus Faber sonetto 2 speakers driven by pathos classic one mk3. Everything is fine but sometimes I feel like I need more power (lack of authority and grunt). Currently I'm looking at several amps.

  • NAD 275 BEE  + NAD 165BEE
  • Marantz PM 17-MK II + SM17
  • Primare i30
  • NCore hypex NC400 x 2 Monoblocks
  • Quad 606 + Quad 66 pre amp
 All of the amps/preamps are pre owned and every combination is within the range of 1000-1200e.
 What would be your choice?

Out of those, personally I’d go with the primare.  I came close to buying an I30 but went with a belles Aria instead.
I have both the Primare I30 as well as the Belles Aria.

Primare is a touch more lively in sound, but the Belles is excellent too.

Primare is built more luxuriously.  Heavier gauge metal, more bling factor.  Belles is very sophisticated simple styling... more minimalist.