Gallo 3.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe

I'm looking to upgrade to different speakers. At the moment I'm running Gallo Strada's with a T3 Sub. While I enjoy this system, I would like a little more coherence and weight. Some more musicality would be nice too. I've been given the opportunity to get a pair of used Merlin VSM-Mxe with super bam for a nice price, or a new pair of Gallo 3.5's for the same $.
Any ideas?
if you treat the corners/ceilings for slap echos, carpet the floor, drape or damp the wall behind them and damp primary and immediate reflections on the sides the sound will be killer.
and a square can be turned into something other by firing the speakers down a diagonal.
did this at many shows with superb results.
this is a non issue.
looks a litle strange at first but...
"a square can be turned into something other by firing the speakers down a diagonal."

yes, good suggestion.

I ended up doing this to some extent to optimize in my 12X12 room with both monitors and more full range floor standers and the results in both cases are top notch. I would expect similar results with other designs as well, including either Merlin.
I have heard similar positive comments on this diagonal alignment over the years, but few folks seem to take this approach in anything but a dedicated listening room as might very have the lowest WAF in audiophilia.
I'm using my Mx in a diagonal set up in a 13'X13' room with tremendous results. This was of course, recommended to me by Bobby. A single trap in corner behind speakers, ceiling corners treated, and of course floor is carpeted.
Speakers are spaced 5'5" apart, and seating approximately 7' away.

By pulling the speakers out into the room, cancels out room boundaries! Also, moving the chair forward or back, also gives me some reinforcement in the tonal and bass department.

The rewards are tremendous, but requires patience.
toudou has vsm mx's.
for those who remember, back in san fran for the 98 sterophile show i used it in a 14 by 14 by 12 cube and the sound was fabulous. then for years in vegas in the 20 by 22 foot room at the alexis. i think it was roon 620 or 622.
most of these should be on the merlin site in the picture gallery. i have been recommending this set up for almost 25 years and it works like a dream. do not boo foo it!
best, b