Two other units were recommended to me, which I will also demo are the EMM Labs pieces and the Audio Research one-piece unit.
I have been considering starting with the dCS D/A on the Denon and then saving up for the Transport. I'll eventually be buying a 2 channel amp besides the Bryston 9B SST to drive a 7.1 system and at that point my consider changing my Bryston SP1.7 to something along the lines of the Lexicon MC-12.
I don't feel my two Brystons lack quality, and the SP1.7 is known for its transparency in bypass modes, so I don't see what about my equipment (except relative price ranges) would make it inadequate for high-end digital source. The 802Ds are practical decisions based on the size of my listening room. Anything bigger would be overkill for the space. I am very concerned with receiving the highest quality redbook sound possible (and if the transport and D/A does DVD-A and SACD, even better, though I tend to agree with the popular sentiment that these will remain fringe formats and redbook will continue to dominate - at least until everything is digitally streamed through servers, and if they are still using lossy encoding at that point I swear I'll go postal...).
Branimir, are you simply saying that because of my equipment I will need to try every piece to see what works well with my eclectic setup, or are you saying I would be wasting my money buying high end source equipment because my current equipment (all of which seem to be class A rated in magazines like Stereophile and HiFi-Choice) can't bring it to life?
And thank you again everyone, this has been very helpful already!