A real "wake up call" available to most....High End Audio vs. Mainstream......

Obviously you are familiar with AudiogoN and, likely, have a decent system.  I have known this, but a great visual on what most people use for sound reproduction is a Craigslist in you area.  If you have one or more market Craigslist available,  check out what is for sale for "sound reproduction" on those sites.   I thought I knew how bad it was, but it was beyond my imagination.  But I guess that is the way it is with many things Americans buy to make noise, drive or eat at.  Locally it is all under "electronics".  ebay is somewhat better, but still a great deal more items you would not want vs.  those you would. 

In music, electronics, cars and so much more....."the road less traveled" is the best path.  The poem is actually "the road not taken". 


Thanks to AudiogoN and its members for existing.  

I have bought and sold many decent things on Craigslist, but it's true that there's LOTS of GARBAGE on it.  I do wish it had better categories and search engine.  I recently sold a couple music instruments and amazingly sold them in 3 days, and no commission or shipping hassles.    I'm willing to sell it for less if I don't have to pack it up and ship it. Waiting for people to show up is the real headache.  

sokogear: Yes my 16x23 family room is a dedicated music room/home studio/LP playback room. It's my home office too, now that I'm working from home due to covid.  It's a polite kind of torture to have to "work" all day on my computer while surrounded by high end audio, recording gear, and music instruments.  Does anyone else notice that it's harder to work, the better the sound is?  

To audiophiles, music is much more than that. For me personally, music is IS an activity. Sure, I listen to music as a backdrop sometimes. But when I am really listening to music, I do just that. It becomes a visceral, emotional experience that just isn’t the same as listening to a single Sonos speaker or a Walmart boom box.
If you just use your tools for small home improvement,a Ryobi saw is fine. But if you’re a craftsman and take pride in your work, you use a Festool saw.

well said saul!

wait is that the new show on netflix? :)
Yes! For me it is a listening session. I get fully engaged. I have a 2nd system that I roll out onto my back deck spring through fall months to have sessions outside.  I have a porch swing so swinging to the music in included in the activity. Along with beverage. 

outdoor listening in the fall on the deck... sounds just wonderful (pun intended) :)
mirolab - having your stereo in your office is not what I consider a listening room. I meant dedicated as in a separate room for audio (and probably a TV). Some would call it a man cave. Kind of like a demo room at an audio dealer, only with one system.

I don't have that - the room would be too small, so it's in the main room of the house (den) so I get to listen several hours a day. And my wife mainly puts up with it unless it is really loud.