Audio Aero Capitole 192 MK II se upgrade

Good morning all,

I would like to know if anyone of you knows exactly what kind of capacitors and tubes you need to buy to upgrade the Capitle. Thanks
I have the AA Reference SE, if I get ambitious this weekend I'll open it up to see what's inside.
I'm not sure I've heard of anybody getting ahold of AA directly, that's why I'd wait for a distrubutor to be announced and go through them. You can always go for the JAN Philips and change to the cryo if you find them. I don't know if the Raytheon compare to the Sylvania, maybe call Tube World and ask. Sorlowski, why do you think you need new tubes right now?

Good luck,
I looked and the tubes are Philips.
This is interesting though, the leads from the two capacitors wrap around the bases of the tubes where they attach to the board. To change the tubes the capacitors would have to be moved. This is in a AA Reference SE.
A good local tech can change the tubes with no problem if he has experience and a good soldering station and the qualified ones have that. I have owned both the AA Prestige and the Capitole Classic and yes the Sonicraft teflon caps. are in a WOW location on the boards releative to the tubes but it can be done as I accomplished it several times with no problems while I owned the players.
I had my local tech (Alpha-Tech Electronics in St. Louis) replace the tubes in my Capitol 24/192 Mk 1 with Jan Phillips 6021's (not cryo'ed) from Tube World and they sound just fine.
So you actually have not heard big difference between regular tubes and cryo ones.
Some AA owners claim that difference is huge after applying SE upgrade, but it may be VCAPs not tubes, who knows. Do I believe in cryo treatment, not yet, curious it will not hurt to try. I will have piece of mind 
I have already ordered CuTF VCAPs, I like the way AA Cap mkII sounds in midrange, but I would like to have more resolution and speed.
I have asked Tube World about differences between Sylvania’s and Raytheon but they would not comment. Since they are out off Sylvania’s I guess they will not recommend them and will not criticize tubes they have in stock.