Congrats on your jadis JA30 monos. If I did not have this Deft7, for sure the JA30's would be my 1st and only choice. I noted most images on google show the 150 tube,,,if that is what you have please consider biasing for the superior Svetlana 6550. Also agree with others suggesting Tele's in the AU/AX pre socket.
I have all Tele's in the pre. I noted a slightly superior nuance over all other NOS tubes.
The 88 is nearly identical to the 6550, but for me Svetlana has a superior stability/construct vs other russian power tubes...Good thing with the JA30's you can very easily roll as it only takes a pair each mono,, the Defy has a wopping 12 tubes.
Also note later on you may consider upgardes on the caps. Ck out my defy7 upgrades...
Also in the middle of having Richard Gray swap out all the stock Jadis Metal oxide resistors in the DLP to <<Takman Rey Metal>> and the results so far are stunning.
Superior resolution.. Ricahrd's last suggestion in my tweaks is to swap out the 1st AX tube in the DPL fora 12AU7, gone was the slight murky mid/boominess.
We have ,,ohh another 15+ resistors to swap out.
Not sure which res the new JA 30 use, but if they are the old stock Metal, I'd suggest trying some Takman Rey in the power supply circuit. Then go from there,,But most certainly the cap upgarde was a nice neauance gain. Went with Mundorf Supreme EVO SGO, = nota cheap upgrade @ $45 each x12 ,,but end result was worth it vs the lower cost EVO SGO.
Here are some vids of my new upgrades.
I will posta vid after all res are swaped out...maybe 3 weeks, Richard is taking it section by section, a pair here, there,,, this way I can note exactly how each res swap changed the sonics. So far = SUCCESS!
Mods can be seen at minute 6 and music starts about 11 minutes into vid.
This vid is with a LS9 preamp <<Jadis clone with M caps> now sold.
Also I now havea new Shanling 3000 cd player and beats out the Cayin CD17 in this vid + I have new xovers which are NOT in this vid.
I am nearing the end of all my upgrades,,,= another 4 weeks will be fully completed. Just waiting on Richard to finish installling the Takman's in the DPL and maybe we might go with Takman in the Defy,,I have takman Rey in the Defy's power suplly circuit,, the Takman Rex Carbon were too <,smooth>> = warm,,I prefer ide cold highly defined/separation. = more lifelike sound stage.
anyway here's 2 older vids.\
and the DPL with Mundorv EVO SGO and some Takman,,and the AX in the 1st socket which is now a 12AU7 and sounds superior.
btw the tube buffer cd out which has critics griping about,, I found to be superior vs the AUX out.
music starts around 6:17,, this has the 12AX7 in the 1st socket which did not affect the Cayin's perf,,,but did make my new Shanling cd player sound,,,too <<wooly/bomy>> witha 12AU7 in that socket, made the Shanling clean more soundstage = which is why the Cayin will be up for sale in 1 week. I do not need 2 world class cd players,, Both are built like tanks = the Shanling will last forever with no repairs. sings music like The Angels. and built to last forever with no worry about making repairs.