Magnepan LRS

First time posting here. Two questions- 

1. Looking for comments/thoughts on LRS. 
2. Can these speakers be driven with a Carver M1.0t

I know this is a vintage amp, so not certain if I should have posted this here or in the vintage forum. FWIW - I picked this amp up a few years ago at a garage sale for $15.......obviously a real bargain......thanks. Ron. 
I would PM Audioconnection.
John Rutan sells the Maggies, and would know if your dynaco is up to snuff.
And, don't worry about contacting a dealer. Johnny is the real deal and won't try to sell you something. He gives great advice- for free.
Just search for him on the Audiogon forums.- You'll see...
I see the amp is rated to double it's power at 4 ohms which is usually what you want with Maggie's I'd give it a try.
Yoda said something profound about......trying.... and DOING....

run the Carver first
Thanks all. Especially appreciate the advice on the Crown amp. Will head over to Magnolia this week and audition some speakers.  Will also give consider the Maggie’s. For $650 I don’t know if I can go wrong. I’m real old school.  Don’t laugh, but have been using a pair of home built speakers for many years - transmission lines (4” radio shack driver mounted in a pvc pipe........when did radio shack go out of business??.....). Finally time to try something else. Actually, recently heard some KEF Q350’s and realized that I’m missing a lot. So I think I’m on a mission.........


I would recommend don't upgrade your Amp for the LRS unless you are able to hear them first.  IF you first listen to the LRS and love them, then go for it.

per a long and thorough review by Audio Excellence Canada on Youtube, the LRS is NOT an audiophile speaker.  it has good soundstage but does NOT have good imaging.  they say "what it does well is beautiful" but i am not sure what that is yet.  These guys are SALESMEN for the LRS - they would not talk bad about them, so when they explain some of the good points and bad points i tend to believe them.

From my own experience, they do have a nice sound stage that is not as boxy, but the sound image is kind of nebulous - less precise detail.  And they certainly can not handle loud rock music as well as more traditional box speakers.  Who knows, maybe i don't have them spaced out correctly.

Good luck to you!