Tyler Acoustics my experience

i have recently purchased the Tyler Acoustics PD80s, and would like to share my experience with Ty and his speakers.
I have been searching for a certain sound and have spent over $25,000.00 for speakers and as low as $2,500.00 and everything in between. Ty and I spoke at length and he was always available, extremely dedicated to his craft. Finally after setting the speakers up and putting power to them, I was in awe, a wall of pure slammimg sound. Hope this info helps someone.
Ty told me there was some demo compensation program but it was years ago so things may have changed. If it is still the case or not make no mistake it DID exist. I dont think there is anything wrong with it either, if somebody opens their home to a demo, entertains questions and surely some music samples then why not make a buck?
I have never been aware of compensation from Ty Chadnliz but quite possibly years ago it could have been true. He never told me about it and he also contacted me once and said a fellow member might want to come over for a listen but he never showed.

Happy Fourth back at you!
(Hopefully you're in a State that actually lets you celebrate with fireworks, as opposed to (most of) California, which bans pretty much anything fun, except for marijuana!)

BTW, you wrote:

He has been a member since 2008, so what's it matter.

One of the reasons I brought up what I did, is that I actually went to the effort of looking up his membership, and while it is true that he has been here since 2008, (mostly buying and selling a few pieces of equipment), he has only two posts to his credit. (And there is nothing wrong with that, except that I have seen some true shills that have done the exact same thing, which is to sign up, and then every so often post a glowing review about some piece of equipment.) Again, I was just trying to help him out by giving him tips on how to present a better review,, rather than merely saying "THIS IS GREAT!!!, which I think you'll agree is not much of a review and not much help to anyone really thinking of buying whatever piece of equipment they're talking about.)
VMPS does it too so its not unheard of and again I think its perfectly fine. Besides this isnt even an issue because this original poster would be the worst salesman ever and anyone who would buy based on his quick notes was going to buy anyway IMO. Who cares if somebody wants to cheerlead anyway, its a free market so folks will buy what they want for any reason they want. If they buy anything without listening with any true experience thats just stupid so let stupid people do stupid things. These folks feed Audiogon with used deals, so somebody will eventually win.