I think the focus on DF is going overboard - circuit is more important. @213Cobra recently told me he believes the Ampzilla 2000, 2nd Edition is the best SS amp he’s heard on Zu Audio speakers which have similar driver characteristics to the Cubes. I was very surprised to hear this (and between him and I, we’ve owned/heard the SIT-1, 2, and 3, and 20+ other P/P and SET amps on them). My personal favorite amp on Zu is Quad ii Jubilees - which also use some negative feedback. I wouldn’t get too tripped up on DF being the decisive factor. Also, Srajan listens at 60db volume levels which is very unusual. For contrast, I want to hear the Tron (reboot by Daft Punk) soundtrack at 90dbs to test amp flexibility.
As far as trying the Nenuphar myself, I reached out to Jon and he was hoping to have stock at the end of the month. There are no places in SoCal to hear them, but he offers a generous 60-day return policy. I’m also looking into the Boenicke which I am hoping to demo soon.
As far as trying the Nenuphar myself, I reached out to Jon and he was hoping to have stock at the end of the month. There are no places in SoCal to hear them, but he offers a generous 60-day return policy. I’m also looking into the Boenicke which I am hoping to demo soon.