What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
The Curious Evolved was the best out of everything I tried which was a lot of cables but nothing insanely expensive. So I wondered why are USB cables so different from one another. Then I read something about USB being inherently flawed in that it was not created for audio. 
So I sold my Aurender N100H and all of my USB cables, except a couple I still need to list for sale. I then purchased an N100C and connected a digital coaxial cable that I have. Sonic Craft made them for me. They use Neotech solid silver cable and Furutech locking RCA connectors having set screws for the wire and shield instead of solder. 
After listening to this new setup I feel like I am in a dream that I am afraid to wake up from. So much more information and fullness and emotion in the music. I am in hifi heaven. So, to me personally, the best USB cable is a digital coaxial cable. 

I think I have figured out why pretty much every thread at some point is interrupted and thrown off track by a snake oil jerk.

It is because snake oil jerks, who have a doctoral degree in electrical engineering and are professor emeritus at an ivy league school and who otherwise are so eminently qualified, feel that it is their civic duty to hijack threads to remind others that digital is only zeros and ones and to let those who think otherwise know they are fools.

Notice to snake-oil jerks: I personally get a rush when I find or try something that helps my system sound even better than what I previously had thought was impossible. So I must ask, do you snake oil jerks go on other types of forums, say religious forums, and tell subscribers they are foolish for worshiping what you believe to be the wrong diety? Or do you leave them in peace and allow them to enjoy what they enjoy? 
These are called snake oil screechers. It’s a hobby on itself. No need to even have an audio system or even listen to any music 
Shortest possible link, power line separated or completely cut from signal lines on separate layer of the circuit board. Add an Intona USB Isolator for galvanic isolation and save lots of money compared to exotic cables.
If one owns a DAC that has internal USB power supply such that the USB cable only carries the signal and not the 5V power, how does that enter into the question of what is the best USB cable? 
As usual PBN AUDIO is on the money :)  PT Barnum said theres a Fool born every day - or is that a suckered? 
Whats the rest of your system - so this question can be evaluated correctly ?