Anyone tried the Ortofon Concorde century Cartridge?

I am able to get a great deal on a new one. I know the 40th anniversary model is based on the ortofon Blue. However, I'm not certain what the century model is based on. KAB does a combo with sys40 stylus that is basically a Ortofon Black. 

The silver looks nice with a Technics 1200 GR (my TT). 

Any thoughts?
I just purchased the 78 version from KAB and it sounds wonderful. I still think I will find a Concorde Century to go with my KAB 40 Concorde. 
Lol @rauliruegas
I’ve purchased 14 vintage carts from @chakster , 5 vintage minty/NOS arms, a Victor TT101 in pristine condition and have NEVER had a problem with his service or recommendations. Not many people here do as much research or have the experience listening to these glorious analog pieces as he does. I’m guessing Raul was just joking, if not, he’s insulting chakster’s intelligence. I can’t imagine not shopping at this store. It brings me such joy. Those that have been on Audiogon for awhile know who's telling the truth and who's a crazy person. 
Dear @knollbrent : Look, first than all I’m not insuklting any one and I don’t posted nothing that many Agoners already knew about.

Now, iof you go to an audio store trying to buy some audio items the sellers down there normalyy will "care " to give you advise ( first than all. ) on the audio items that gives them the higher margin of $$$ no matters what because that’s a busines$ and its way of life.

Only a very few sellers really take care of your true needs with out think in $$$ as first target and that seller is exactly the same.

I started that thread in 2008 and that seller started in Agon in 2010. I always support vintage cartridges but that does not means that I know that today designs are truly excellent and you can be sure that each time you need the manufacturer today models support in any way you will have it. Something you can’t have from vintage MM cartridges because normally we can’t find out new stylus replacements and even if we find out vintage could has problems that we can’t know: suspension, coils, alignment and the like.

I like to help any gentleman that post here and I try to do it in the best way I can.

Now, if he is a seller as you confirm it why does not disclose it. Do you know why? because then the moderators can banned from his " free " audio store named Agon.

What he does is dishonest and even that I never report it about and I don’t care to do it. It's dishonest too because if some one ask for vintage MM cartridgesthat he does not sells then he posted here that those cartridges he does not carry on are not good enough or have several false " problems " and the like and never says that LOMC ( vintage or not ) are good as no MM can be.

@rauliruegas it's possible to think dollar signs and take care of the client. You're not good a business man if you don't. Eating cabbage soup every day and living under a bridge is not something I want to do.