Desire to try tubes

So I am new to this have no audio contacts, and low budget it seems based on reading forum. I inherited my brothers Heresy I’s (and LP /CD collection) two years ago and started my journey. First bought a Rega P3 and Rega Fono stage running with existing 20 yo Denon 5.1. Then upgraded the Hereseys from Crites with crossovers and new tweeters (46 yo units). Months later after research and savings bought Stellar GCD and Stellar S 300 amp along with Syzygy SLF 870 sub from Underwoodwally. Nice! Next Marantz 6006 CD as transport and Underwood Emerald Physics and Core Power gold power cords and speaker cables. As able Audio Quest entry connects for all. Each move improved sound. Added a Bluesound node 2i as well only listening to Pandora though. I have no reference to options as I’ve only owned Hereseys and never heard a tube amp in a home and am very curious if a tube pre-amp would be a big plus? If I tried one could muster up to 5k. Just looking for the best sound quality I can afford.
Room is 14.6 x 14.10 x sloped ceiling 8-13’ with 5’ flat section at 13.
Thanks for the continued information gathering it up, will take some time to sift through, love it!
Another Line Magnetic option to look at if you don’t want the power of the 805 integrated is the 845IA , I have the 518IA which was the prior moniker for it, 22wpc 845 DHT output tube, roll in some NOS preamp, rectifier and drivers and it is really nice sounding. Think either are good choices.

Another line to maybe take a look at to see if there are options of interest to you are Finale Audio and its sister company Triode Lab up in Canada.
Hi facten,
Even the Line Magnetic 845 SET is a lot of power for the Kiplisch Hersey. I have no doubt that it would sound sensational. Agree that the Finale and Triode Lab brands are terrific choices as well.

Dennis Had SEP amplifiers as mentioned by wolf_garcia is another very good option (Just not sure how often these are built by Had).
So many really good tube amplification choices, one could get dizzy 😊.IMHO low power SEP or SET would be simply  ideal with the Hersey. Purity, tone and transparency.
I’m another one in favor of the line Magnetic 845 Ia.You could probably pick up a new one for 4000 or perhaps less and that would leave you money for rolling Tubes which is a must because that will be a large improvement. I’m sure Charles didn’t know that there are two line magnetic 845 amps one has 22 watts a channel and the other one 48 watts a channel. All the best
The Line Magnetic amplifier that provides 48 watts per channel is the 805 single tube SET (805ia). In order to get 48 watts from the 845 tubes they'd have to be either in parallel SET or in a push pull circuit. The 805 is the more powerful of the two.