Desire to try tubes

So I am new to this have no audio contacts, and low budget it seems based on reading forum. I inherited my brothers Heresy I’s (and LP /CD collection) two years ago and started my journey. First bought a Rega P3 and Rega Fono stage running with existing 20 yo Denon 5.1. Then upgraded the Hereseys from Crites with crossovers and new tweeters (46 yo units). Months later after research and savings bought Stellar GCD and Stellar S 300 amp along with Syzygy SLF 870 sub from Underwoodwally. Nice! Next Marantz 6006 CD as transport and Underwood Emerald Physics and Core Power gold power cords and speaker cables. As able Audio Quest entry connects for all. Each move improved sound. Added a Bluesound node 2i as well only listening to Pandora though. I have no reference to options as I’ve only owned Hereseys and never heard a tube amp in a home and am very curious if a tube pre-amp would be a big plus? If I tried one could muster up to 5k. Just looking for the best sound quality I can afford.
Room is 14.6 x 14.10 x sloped ceiling 8-13’ with 5’ flat section at 13.
Here is my 1st choice in tube line stage amps
Never heard this cayin, but i know fora fact it is best bang in town.
How/why i know this?
Look at the scaffold build/uses high quality trans.
but most of all, lets the buyer know the lab uses Takman resistors, which are the most musical resistor in current production, Although they employ the Rex/carbon, whereas I much prefer the Rey /Metal.
The Rex’s are too smoooth for my taste,,but if you are a fan of jazz music, the Carbon Rex are right up your alley.
another huge plus , well actually 2 big pluses with this unit, has dual separate channel trans, and employs a quad of 12AU&, which is my prefered line stage tube vs the 12AX7 which is too loud/forward.
For under 1500, ain’t nothing can touch it.
Hi needfreestuff,
No stupidity, no problem.
Sometimes people confuse the 845 and the 805 tube amplifiers made by Line SET topology an 845 tube will yield 20 to 30 watts per channel (Depending on the chosen operation point utilized).
The 805 is capable of providing 45 to 50 watts per channel from a single tube.

Mozartfan no doubt speaker choice is pertinent if using lower power SET amplifiers. The Hersey is so easily driven that one can achieve superb sound with a good quality px25 or 300b SET (6 to 10 watts per channel range) in a room with the OP’s stated dimensions.
The use of any SET requires careful speaker selection. This is because even a higher powered SET will have a fairly high output impedance. For more information take a look here:

But its a really good idea to audition an SET prior to purchase- the more power they make, the less bandwidth they have (such that they may not even be considered hifi). 7-8 watts is typically the limit where they can actually make 20Hz-20KHz. This is why lower powered SETs are always considered the better sounding amps.
I will say that if the higher powered SET amplifiers are well designed and built they can sound fabulous.  As others who have posted on this thread can attest to,  211,845,805, etc.  can be used very successfully.  I've have heard wonderfully emotional engaging sound from good quality 845 SET amplifiers. Implementation is key.
OP Tsakadiris integrated are really good , I bought their monoblock , they are very musical.Toska audio here in Illinois have them.Their integrated range from 2k to 3k.