You have hit the nail on the head since after much research this is what I have decided to do;
1) Classic 60 is in Scott Frankland’s Shop at present. Years ago he was unable to source the 4 Filter Caps and these can be seen if you look at Images on the net (In the middle of the Amp with Red Plastic Caps). This was a concern for me due to the age rightfully or wrongly. Scott has recently rebuilt an ARC M-300 and the Filter Caps that he changed in that Amp will fit in the Classic 60. He is also going to change out the 6 Infini Caps that he installed previously to V-Caps Copper Foil types. A full Spa treatment essentially.
2) I agree with the other posters that an ARC Reference 75SE will be the replacement if it comes to me replacing this Amp after this work. Keeping my eye out for a NM One Owner unit at present.
I really appreciated all suggestions to my question.