Hybrid Amplifiers suggestions


I am considering a Hybrid amplifier with at least 50 watts per channel. A hybrid design which uses tube valve for the input stage and high quality Mosfets for the output stage. I plan to pair the amp with Shindo’s Monbrison preamp.

I am aware of Aesthetix, PS Audio and Vincent that makes hybrid amps. Are there others that I should consider before I make my purchase?

Thank you!
Lamm Industries M1.2 Reference monoblocks are a pure class A hybrid design and have been an industry benchmark for a decade.

Ypsilon’s Aelius II also comes to mind.

Heads up that I’m a Lamm Industries dealer.


New York Audio Labs (NYAL) made three excellent hybrid tube/MOSFET amps back around 1990. The Moscodes 150, 300 and 600. 75, 150 and 300 wpc. Designed by George Kaye and built in NY State. I have the Moscode 150. They differ in the number of output devices used. There is a review of the Moscode 300 in the Stereophile archives. It made the cover of that issue and got a favorable test by Atkinson. All the models use 2 input tubes per channel: a 12BH7 and a 12CG7/FQ7. I recommend buying one of these over any more recent ones!