Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?

I'm counting right now 19 (nineteen) PS Audio DSD DACs for sale (new and used). Strange. Some second owners also selling... The reviews are unanimously stellar.

I wonder why.
Jjss49 Sure there’s truth in what you say I personally know a component flipper forever chasing down that feel and flavour of the month .

For me I would of happily kept the PS Audio pair if it operated as it should have .
Purchasing the Denafrips Terminator dac was partly out of frustration with the Direct Stream senior , being a early adopter prior to the online Denafrips fan clubs erupted on the seen my interest was mainly with r2r dac technology and moving away from chip based dacs , the Terminator on paper looked great.

Today with some of the prices of digital front ends and wanting longevity of ownership I would prefer a server with separate dac that are both hardware updatable like better ⏰ and what have you including firmware updates thrown in for good measure ,...

With regard to the PS Audio break-in period:
If a unit takes 200 to 300 hours to sound good, then I don’t want it. For me, that’s 6 months or more of listening to sub-optimum sound. Units that take that long to break in should be burned in by the manufacturer or dealer, IMO.A week or so of listening would be acceptable.


point taken... sh*t has got to work properly from day 1 - updates or no updates
I’m my own case the break in happened about 12 hours when a Seismic shift in the sound.  Beyond that is diminishing rates of return. 

No one needs to listen for 3-6 months to get the broken in sounds.  The DAC just needs to be running. Cycle some dynamic range music of shuffle for a week. That’s approaching 200 hours. 

The SDS DAC sounds terrific in 10+ hours. 

The modded Directstream MK1 is one of the best sounding DAC's.  Even better than the "NEW" MK2.

See the new info here: