Kuzma 4 Point Tonearm

I am thinking of purchasing the Kuzma 4 Point tonearm to mount on a TechDas lll Premium TT.  I have read every review I could find but would like to hear from anyone who actually uses one.  Please share your experiences in set up and use.  One final note I have considered the 9” version but like the ease of changing VTA on the 4 Point.  
I had a 4 Point on my Stabi Ref for two years. I thought it sounded very good and certainly produced a lot of detail. But over that two years I virtually stopped playing records. It was a nice sounding tonearm but I just found it a bit ... boring. I couldn’t get engaged with the music. I would play one album at most and then go back to playing digital.

This was very different to the experience with the previous tonearms I had used on the deck, including a Stogi Ref and Audio Origami PU7. I loved playing records with those arms, even though at a technical level they were inferior to the 4 Point.

Eventually I realised that the 4 Point just wasn’t working for me, so I sold it. As a temporary replacement I bought a used Alphason HR100 because it was inexpensive and was a drop in replacement. It sounded much more musical than the 4 Point, which confirmed my impression that the 4 Point was the culprit. I have since bought another Audio Origami PU7, which is considerably less expensive and offers much less adjustability, but sounds far more dynamic, engaging and musical. I am now very happy with my turntable set up.

The 4 Point is a good sounding tonearm despite my own reservations, and many people seem to be very happy with it. The ability to adjust both VTA and VTF easily and repeatably is a big plus. Aesthetically I find it quite an ugly arm, but I would have tolerated that if it sounded great. Unfortunately, for me it didn’t quite work but I seem to be in the minority so would not want to discourage you from trying one.

I should also add that I owned the 9 inch 4 Point briefly, but returned it to the dealer after a short period. I found that the 9 inch version was even less dynamic than the 11 inch version and sounded too anemic for my tastes.
This is the first that I've heard someone say that the 4 Point is ugly/boring. I guess to each his own.
Its all relative. I had a Graham 2.2, and it was a very nice arm, but when I went to the Origin Live Conqueror it was shocking how much better the Conqueror was. Shocking. Even adjusting for its much higher cost, still it was so good I am happy even today a good dozen years later. It does not have nearly the aerospace level engineering of the Graham. But the Graham does not have nearly the musically involving and compelling sound of Origin Live. I doubt many do. A good one to consider.
In fairness to Graham, most Graham-lovers have already noted that the 2.2, while certainly "good", was not in the same league as any of the later models.  Did you try any of those?  They would be more on a par with the Conqueror. (I do not own a Graham tonearm, now or ever.)
Sorry OP - post is on a tangent.  I have used the Kuzma 4P on a Kuzma table and currently on a AF Technics SP10 Mk2 and both setups have been spectacular.  I chose the 4P (11") over the 4P 9 inch arm just on the basis of the VTA tower - I didn't mind paying extra for the feature. It is considered to be one of the best tonearms under $10k.

You can email Franc Kuzma at  kuzmaltd@gmail.com who is super responsive and can answer questions you have on mating the Kuzma arm with your TechDas table.  Also, if you need an armboard, it can add cost. Thom Galibiler is another person that is very knowledgeable and a great person to talk to - his website is -

Good luck.