$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?

Current setup:
Marantz SR5005 (AV Receiver) + Peachtree Amp 500 + BluSound Node 2i + GoldenEar Trition 2+ = Current Setup

I'd like... no, want... no, desire... to add "Blue Meters" to my setup.  McIntosh haunts me.  For dozens of years.

My quandary:
Acquire a McIntosh C52/53, maybe C2600/2700... vs something like a Marantz AV7705 (or AV7706 appears it was just released).  Yes I know I'm comparing brie cheese and cheddar.  I'm more concerned with the notion that I can get "as good" sound out of that Marantz preamp, as I can from those McIntosh units... (ignore the multi-channel notions for the moment)

Is my sonic happiness "that much better served" by a McIntosh $7K unit vs a Marantz $2-3K unit?  How much difference can I expect?  
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Instead of looking at used McIntosh gear here, check out Audio Classics.   Any used McIntosh component they sell has been gone over and checked out to be sure it works properly and makes the specs.  You will also get a McIntosh shipping container.  Do NOT purchase a used McIntosh without the factory packaging.  If it doesn’t have the factory packaging, pass it by.   No mater how much bubble wrap is used, there is a 99.9% chance the unit will arrive damaged.  Factory packaging is the key.  

I went from a Rogue Cronus Magnum tube integrated to a Parasound Halo integrated to a McIntosh integrated in system 2.  The McIntosh sounds so much better in every regard.  I purchased used from AC, have owned for a little over 3 years and it has never failed me.  I listen to it every day.  System 1 has a McIntosh C2500 preamp and MC302 amp.  I love this system and am listening to it now.  I am hooked on McIntosh.  
I doubt you would notice any difference. Since you have always wanted a McIntosh I’m sure it would be lightyears better in a sighted listening test but in a blind one I doubt you could tell one from the other. So get the McIntosh and fulfill your blue meter dream or get the pre processor that integrates with your HT and quit worrying about it. Or get a McIntosh pre processor. 
@djones51 Yes... this is the "thing" that I'm afraid of.  While I have no doubt that I'll enjoy it (and the future updates to my stack), it's that little voice that is going: "Are you REALLY gonna notice a $5K difference in sound?"

@hilde45 I've always been a proponent of "buy it once", "don't go in half-way".  And I kinda made that compromise with the outboard Amp I added last year... knowing that if I got to a point, it was going to be pushed to the corner, in favor of a "pretty blue" meter'd piece of metal.

@markusthenaimnut Exactly my mentality.  I just wanted to hear some folks go: "Yeah, there is SOME audible difference..."  And thusly, I'm truly in no hurry.  The first bump in that Amp500 was eye-opening, and the speaker upgrade (with some new cables) really gave me a hunger.  I'm gonna be cooped up here in the winter with very little else to do... may as well make these upgrades.  :)
@rabbottmke - too bad you have a dealer who's a jerk. One good thing about buying a used McIntosh -- If in good condition, they hold their value very well. So you'd be able to resell without getting killed. Good luck making the decision!