Cartridge recommendation please...

Jettisoned most of my record albums 20 years ago, but am considering a return to vinyl. I've dusted off my old but fully operational TT and would like to mount a new MM cartridge.

Technics SL-1300 Direct Drive turntable
The TT would be mated to a Parasound 200 Pre, with a Parasound 2125v2 amp.
Speakers are PSB Silver i's, with an occasional switch to Vandersteen 1's for variety.
No current plan to add a separate phono preamp.

Jazz, classic soul/r&b, light rock is my preferred type of music.
I'm OK to trade some bass for better vocals and higher end clarity.
As my A'gon name suggests, I do not listen at elevated levels.

The SL-1300 currently has an equally old AudioTechnica cartridge (no obvious markings).
I'd like to target a cartridge in the $300 neighborhood.
Will get an additional headshell for whatever cartridge is purchased.
Any cautions for install, or brands to exclude?
If I've done it correctly, here's a link to the TT owners' manual.

I can certainly get recommendations from local retailers, though their choices would be for cartridge brands that they carry. My preference is to use the experience of... and hear from... the wider audience reading this post. Thanks much!
@lmnop   Would you elaborate on the sound quality of the cartridges you mentioned, particularly in the technics 1210gr?
@corelli  The MP200 has a nice full range sound. Pretty dynamic. The VM740 is leaner but more detailed. The VM760 has nice deep base and full soundstage. The MoFi is really smooth and detailed top to bottom. They’re both really good all around cartridges no matter your music preference. 
I have been thrilled with the entire line of Goldring carts. I started with their MMs and have moved all the way up to the Ethos. I have always been impressed and yet to find a cart below $2,000 that comes close for my ear.
If I were using you’re setup,I would definitely have a look at the Soundsmith line.