$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?

Current setup:
Marantz SR5005 (AV Receiver) + Peachtree Amp 500 + BluSound Node 2i + GoldenEar Trition 2+ = Current Setup

I'd like... no, want... no, desire... to add "Blue Meters" to my setup.  McIntosh haunts me.  For dozens of years.

My quandary:
Acquire a McIntosh C52/53, maybe C2600/2700... vs something like a Marantz AV7705 (or AV7706 appears it was just released).  Yes I know I'm comparing brie cheese and cheddar.  I'm more concerned with the notion that I can get "as good" sound out of that Marantz preamp, as I can from those McIntosh units... (ignore the multi-channel notions for the moment)

Is my sonic happiness "that much better served" by a McIntosh $7K unit vs a Marantz $2-3K unit?  How much difference can I expect?  
You might want to try an Anthem STR Preamp and then team that up with either the STR power amp or the P2 power amp, or just get the Anthem STR integrated amp.I currently have 2 of the P2 amps in 2 different systems and these things are built to last and can drive any speaker that you can buy no matter how much or how little they cost, or how low the ohms drop they will play it down to 1 ohm without shutting down and they do not get hot just barely warm.
any avr unit sounds like crap for 2 channel audio. There are some very good integrated amps out there too, some integrated amps have built in dacs/phono preamps/streaming services built in. If you want to save money, get an integrated amp. If you want the best sound for each component, go with separates. No built in dac in an integrated amp will sound anywhere close to a separate dac, not even from the same vendor. Same goes for phono preamp, the preamp itself, and the amp. An integrated amp is a compromise of components. I have owned many integrated amps for the last 20+ years and always go back to separates for the best sound. It will cost more money so you have to determine if its worth it.


The Blue meter people also make some integrated amps that might interest you.
For instance, a new the MA5300 is $5500.  And of course there are several models of used Mc’s out there.

All the best.

I have the same question.  I currently stream Tidal from Apple TV into an AVR via HDMI using pre-out into PS Audio S300.  I understand that the DAC in the AVR let’s the side down.  But wouldn’t using the DAC in the Bluesound eliminate that trouble. 
p05129136 posts10-23-2020 10:14pm"any avr unit sounds like crap for 2 channel audio.".
Not all. My Classe SSP-800 has an analog pass through which does not apply its DAC to the 2 channel analog signal. So the signal remains unprocessed straight through to my Jeff Rowland amps.