Aegir upgrade to Pass...maybe

I have had a Schiit Aegir for about a year now. I drive quite efficient Crites loudspeakers. I am thinking of getting an amp with a little more power. The following are my leanings.
Pass LabsXA25
Pass Labs XA30.8
Benchmark AHB2
I think the XA25 will be a good choice but wondered about the XA30.8. Somewhere I read that the XA25 actually sounds better than the 30.8. The 30.8 is monstrous at 94 lbs.

Also, I see high ratings for Benchmark. Does this sound like Class A, A/B or D? The reviews say really detailed and accurate but it is definitely different than the Schiit or Pass Amps. Plenty of power for my system for sure.

Thanks for your opinions and suggestions in advance.

made in usa quality!!! lol!!!

mike moffatt may be a genius component designer but he could use some good old fashioned manufacturing quality control...

They had issues with the protection circuit and firmware.   As far as build quality goes, they put a 5 yr warranty on it.  That is higher than many.
Not one, but 2 Aegir amps, eh?  Not one, but 3 different RCA cables, huh?  That story has many missing details which is too bad, it would have been helpful to have simple measurements of the clearance and the left and right RCA inputs, for example.  Or how the one amp got hot when it couldn't accept a signal from the RCA inputs.

Failures in quality control do happen, and every brand has such issues.  I will say that I've owned over 15 Schiit components, and I've only had one minor issue with one.  I currently have 9 and every one performs as designed.  
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Thanks for your response.  When I referred to clearance, my wording got a little clumsy.  I meant the clearance or space around each RCA jack.  I’m thinking your cables have really big rca connectors, but I don’t understand the problem, I guess.

When you say you were “unable to install” the left jack, what was it that prevented it from being inserted in/onto the amp rca jack?