why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???

Funny story,
I posted a pic of my turntable spinning an lp for a social media fan site for a specific band.I got a response by a guy," OH my it sounds so much better then a cd" my response was basically its all up for debate and in many ways digital is superior on paper and I enjoy both.This is his response..  ENJOY...

   interesting that the world of true audio quality has been grossly mis-represented in the market place. This has mainly been driven by Hi-Fi Press and marketing vogue that perpetuate the myths that what makes a great audio system is some exotic, very expensive speaker cables, a 'high end ' player and some exotic amp. Its also true that vintage audio products like valve amps and vinyl are creeping back into fashion - more of a symptom of the issue that audio quality has for the most part reached an impasse.

The main culprit - loudspeakers represent the main ceiling on audio quality and this really has not changed for many decades. Put simply if you change the speakers to something that really does the sound transduction step (the most compromised part of the audio chain) much better then you begin to see the leap in improvement that is possible. For the most part the amp (as long as it is solid state and has decent power output) and the cable (as long as it is something a bit thicker than human hair) makes little to no audible difference to audio quality.

The type of CD player does not matter either, as the speakers  introduce a degree of distortion and degradation that commonly outweighs any differences my many orders of magnitude.  We have had really good reviews by the audio press but they still don't want to admit that the latest exotic looking £2000 CD player really does nothing special but helps sell magazines so perpetuating the scam! Ridiculous really when you can get a BD player for £40 that trumps the CD spec in every aspect! Don't get me started on vinyl!S

A $300 DAC cannot beat a $2000 DAC let alone a more expensive one. Their are only a handful of companies that make the SACD transports. PSAudio, and Ayre both used Oppo in really expensive players. In the end it was their amazing DACs. All of the components are important usually with a weak link in the system. One that I was not expecting was the power protector. I was using pretty high end  Furman power conditioners. I tried the Puritan PSM-136 and PSM-156. Both were leaps ahead of the Furman products that cost the same. Everyone says start with the speakers. I say if you can afford it start with the outlet on the wall. I do think it’s amazing how much better a $29 DVD player sounds on a good DAC and even better on a really good DAC. Most of us cannot afford our end game speaker until the end of a game. I just listened to a pair of active KEF speakers on a blu node streamer total cost $1000 Very amazing. Most people should start this way since just about every TT listener is streaming. 
Another of the weekly thought provoking posts for us audio fools to question what it is that we are doing.
The devil has taken us off the path yet again from reaching total fulfillment of life on this earth. 
Is that envy on your part @zerobias? Rodmann maybe appreciates the finer things in life (as do I) and apparently you do not. Be it wine, food travel or hifi, why would you resent this? Unless you are a mean spirited spendthrift. You live your way, I live mine and I never consider myself better or superior, I just consider myself fortunate and truly blessed to be able to enjoy some of the more expensive things in life. I did not start out this way, 40 years of work and more work and now I am reaping the rewards
Everyone's ears are different. I respect your opinion, but I can hear a difference by trading CD players, dvd players, blue ray players, pre amps, DACs. Power amps, and speaker cables. I will not spend alot of money, but will try to do the best for my budget.
Before we all get carried away with just how good a $2k or $3k DAC might be, it might be worth asking what happens to all of this superiority when the lights are turned off and it's compared to a $5 one?

If you fancy a fancy DAC then you should buy it, but buy it for its boutique value.

Just let's not kid ourselves over any perceived sonic advantages.