Bluesound Vault 2i and a Qutest DAC

In trying to get rid of the thousand physical CDs i own so I demoed the Bluesound Vault 2i against my Theta Miles CD player (with a Krell integrated amp and Thiel speakers.) The Theta produced better sound so I sent back the vault. Someone suggested that I use an external DAC, like the Chord Electronics Qutest DAC, with the Vault 2i to produce the quality of my CD player. Has anyone any experience with this scenario?


The only experience that I (and many around here) have is that the BluNode internal DAC is bested by much many DAC’s , starting with a Modi Multibit for $250.
If you didn’t try an external, then your comparison was totally flawed.

A rip is a rip (if it’s bit perfect)
Playback SQ is the variable.
Yep :-) amazing sound out of my 2I node into an Aesthetix Pandora Signature DAC
have fun, experiment, enjoy the music !!!!
Myself and many others on this forum have used Chord Qutest with Bluesound Node 2i with great success (In my case with Bryston Amp & Preamp driving Thiel CS 2.4 speakers, but in my case with Melco N1A functioning as the NAS).  November of last year a Roon Nucleus functioning as server/streamer took over as my principal streaming source in my main rig with my Node 2i moving over to my desktop system.  You can check out my current rig here:
Thanks all. I clearly have nothing to lose by buying both and testing them out. 
Been a long time since I’ve listened to a Theta Miles, modified Pioneer player but I’m not surprised it sounded better than a Bluesound Vault on its own. I do remember at the time when the Miles came out I along with the dealership that carried both, preferred the CAL Icon and Tercet over the Miles. Haven’t heard any of these players in years but I own a Vault and with a modern standalone DAC it will significantly be better over these older players in every area. Use a good coax and not the toslink and a better power cord on the Vault as it does make a difference. Also pick up a Supra CAT 8 cable as it is really good and very affordable... yes, better than the CAT 5 cable it comes with. Have not heard the Chord but based on its reputation I suspect it will walk all over your Miles.