$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?

Current setup:
Marantz SR5005 (AV Receiver) + Peachtree Amp 500 + BluSound Node 2i + GoldenEar Trition 2+ = Current Setup

I'd like... no, want... no, desire... to add "Blue Meters" to my setup.  McIntosh haunts me.  For dozens of years.

My quandary:
Acquire a McIntosh C52/53, maybe C2600/2700... vs something like a Marantz AV7705 (or AV7706 appears it was just released).  Yes I know I'm comparing brie cheese and cheddar.  I'm more concerned with the notion that I can get "as good" sound out of that Marantz preamp, as I can from those McIntosh units... (ignore the multi-channel notions for the moment)

Is my sonic happiness "that much better served" by a McIntosh $7K unit vs a Marantz $2-3K unit?  How much difference can I expect?  
This thread has probably long since been exhausted...but has anyone here spoken about receivers made by Outlaw Audio? Curious how those might compare to the others mentioned. I’ve heard nothing but great things in terms of SQ.
I appreciate everyone’s input. It’s great to get such a wide swath of opinion, and that's exactly what I expected.

This question/exercise was to help me with the "premium vs consumer" argument, leaving brands and all else aside.

Granted my equation will have some external influences (Love those blue meters) (Have an uncle that has had blue meters since the 70’s) etc... but hearing that "you will notice a difference", is what I was hoping to resolve here.

Not everyone’s system is perfect. Not everyone’s listening environment is perfect. But ceteris paribus, this is a good improvement to make.

Thanks all!
I'm late to the party but I want to amplify a point made above. Your desire for Macintosh gear is a complex issue. Yes, you want to make sure that you will get an improvement in sound but it's obvious that you have an emotional connection with Mac gear.

My advise is to go ahead with the Mac upgrade path - either used or new - and don't look back. Every time you listen to your system you will have a good feeling. It will not only sound better, it will absolutely improve your enjoyment of music

High end brands appeal to us in a variety of way We buy our gear for emotional reasons whether we admit it or not. A particular brand often connects with our values of beauty, value, and utility and just seems to satisfy an inner need.

If you go down a different path you will continue to lust after a Mac setup and you will always regret not following your heart.

you have gotten plenty of input here...

i would only add one more thing - you said this:

The AVR does NOT have a good DAC, as I understand it. The Bluesound has a much more evolved DAC, so I’m running unbalanced line out (relying on the Bluesound DAC) with some "TIMBRE" series Kimber interconnects.

your node 2i internal dac may be more evolved than the one in the marantz avr but as dacs go, that internal node 2i dac is not very good -- the sound is tuned to be innocuous and smooth (grey sounding) at the expense of clarity (dynamics/prat, resolution/extension, air) - so if sound quality improvement is your only priority, you should get a $1500-2000 proper hifi linestage and a $700-1000 outboard dac, and use the node 2i to feed the dac a bitstream


I wanted to suggest something else from the likes of Pass Labs, Luxman, Accuphase etc. other than Mcintosh but after reading this remark of yours

"I’d like... no, want... no, desire... to add "Blue Meters" to my setup. McIntosh haunts me. For dozens of years."

I think you better go ahead and get that dream of yours since it has been haunting you for dozens of years. Life is short, just get what you desire if it is within your financial capabilities and enjoy the finer luxuries of life. As others have aptly advised, it is true that there will be a difference. Other aspects such as matching of amp to speakers and placement of speakers in the room will be important as well.