High end stereo preamp vs mc preamp?

So thinking about spending $10-15k for a quality stereo preamp for bypass use with ht system. Have a middle of the road avr, which is now used as a preamp, which sounds fine for ht.

now wondering if a hi end ht preamp, 5 to 7 channels, exists that achieves a level of quality offered by a high end stereo preamp. Seems same level of spending toward a stereo preamp must provide opportunity to get an amazing ht preamp with a great stereo capability

The answer is no there is no multi-channel HT preamp that's going to sound as good as a stereo preamp. You could get a really good stereo preamp with a HT bypass and do multi-channel that way giving you the best of both worlds.
Seems same level of spending toward a stereo preamp must provide opportunity to get an amazing ht preamp with a great stereo capability
+1 @jond — and no, spending the same on a prepro in general will get you lower parts quality for stereo as a lot of $ in the prepro needs to go toward electronics to handle processing and the other channels.  Plus you have a bunch of noisy digital electronics in the same box as the stereo signal, which is suboptimal.  If you’re happy with your HT as it is but want improved or optimal 2-channel performance, just get a stereo preamp — period. 

No such thing as high-end HT preamp. Expensive, yes. But high-end is defined not by price but by the quest for excellent sound quality.  

Sorry but I had to take a different tack because jond and soix already covered the obvious. You want good quality sound, you go 2 channel all the way. You want some noise to go with your movies, your AVR has you covered.