Have speakers really improved within the last 20 years??


  • If there is one measurement that would prove that speakers have indeed got better over the last 20 years, what would it be? 

I dont just want one example of a speaker from today that has a better measurement than another speaker from 20 years ago because that could just be a coincidence. I want to see IRREFUTABLE PROOF that most speakers today have a measured performance in at least one area that is better than most speakers 20 years ago.

When I look at a typical bookshelf speaker from 20 years ago versus one from today i see little difference. All i see is a wooden box, typically mdf with a pair of drivers in 'em. There would be a small crossover circuit inside and a bit of foam inside the box and that would be the end of the story. I would like to believe that speakers have gotten better but I see no reason to believe it. All I see is that speakers may have gotten brighter and brighter with time to dupe us into thinking we are hearing more detail. 

This challenge is open to any audiophile or speaker designer reading this.
@kenjit  “I have set you a challenge. You cannot turn the tables on me. You either give up or you give me proof. This is non negotiable”

do you think we owe you anything?  You can .... off with your non negotiable demands.

piss off dude, find another set of hobbyist to troll.

why are you fellow goner’s (or me) even responding to this clown anymore. He’s a broken record.
why are you fellow goner’s (or me) even responding to this clown anymore. He’s a broken record.
The thing to do is to report this thread as trolling. If everyone does that the thread goes away. This has happened to several other threads by the same poster. The 'report' button is located at the lower right of each post including the original post.
Gosta that right, many of us can relate to those great designs even forty years ago bringing back fond memories!