Negotiate good price

I went to a dealer last week and listen to some really sweet pieces.  I was ready to throw down some coin but am confused about the dealers approach.  He comes in the room and says how is everyhting.  I say it is amazing this is just the sound I am looking for.  He says okay and leaves.  Comes back in 10 minutes and I am ready for hardball.  I sit back with my hands above my head in an inviting posture and say- can you beat prices that I see on Audiogon?  He says he will be right back- great i think he knows- I know my stuff.  Another guy comes in and says he needs to use the room for a client.  I say where is the other guy and he says he's on the phone.  So I wait in the lobby for 20 minutes and don't see anyone. I left my name on a paper and put it on the desk and ask him to call me with the best he can do on the system because I can buy some of it on AUdiomart.  I asked my wife and she thinks that's too hardball- maybe i should have lied and said I'm shopping around for best price.
Any info on how to speed pitch softballs?   
Stregth in opinion does not necessitate rudeness. My� comment, "PURE CHINTZIPHILE," was rude. I apologize for that.

It doesn’t have to be a manly contest, nor a game. Try authentically making a new friend and don’t make the deal the greatest thing to come out of it. You may find the wealth of knowledge of the dealership’s employees to be a huge benefit in the future.

Anyone who sounds arrogant or too proud gets the smack down around here. The guys on this forum almost always want to help, even if information and advice can be conflicting. No one has cause to doubt your manliness, but frankly, that has nothing to do with it.

Try this on for size; meekness is strength. Meekness puts the other person first, not self. It takes into consideration the needs of others and attempts to moderate one’s own tendency to dominate or control. It actually takes strength to be self-confident without being a loudmouth or obnoxious. Many men would do well to consider strength of character that goes beyond the typical male persona. Some of the most impressive men I have met are not out to be Alpha Males, but strong marriage partners, great fathers, considerate persons and sensible leaders, etc. No one pushes these guys around, but they don’t have to prove anything, either.
If you are new to this, be a student, especially of new gear that you are unfamiliar with. Don’t see the dealer as an obstacle, but a resource (not to be abused).

One last thing; as someone who literally builds hundreds of systems, if you want to go it alone, be the man about it making his own decisions independent of others’, i.e. dealer input, etc. you likely will not end up with a great system, especially if you are new at this. Pride and lack of experience are imo the biggest reasons people make huge mistakes in establishing audio systems. So, if you are just getting rolling, and you don’t have a clue why you like some rigs better/more appealing than others, it would pay to ratchet back the confrontational bargaining.

I suggest you go back to the dealer, offer an apology for coming off poorly, tell them your budget range and ask to be taught. The odds are better than average that it would be superior to a system you would cobble together online. After all, you did find it impressive enough to try bargaining.

Anyway, that’s my attempt at striking up a friendship that I started on my bad note. :)
“Ya the world would swing if I were king, can I help it if I Dream time to time... and when your bulldog barks and your canary sings, you’re out there with winners, it’s good to be king”

TP ( gone much 2 soon )
Regardless of how foolish you all think the OP was for taking the approach he did, it is equally foolish that the salesman disappeared and left the OP hanging without any resolution.
I could see it from different prospectives but to me the salesman dealt with it all wrong. Even if the guy came into the store intending to be a tire kicker a lot of good salesmen can turn that into a customer. Granted I wouldn’t have spent a lot of time with him but how hard is it to say, “I can’t sale you new equipment with a warranty for close to the price of used equipment but if you are interested in buying today I could probably get you 10% off (or whatever discount he would be comfortable with) depending on what you buy.”  

There is no call for just being rude. Maybe the salesman was just having a bad day 🤷🏼‍♂️
Anymore then 10% off retail at  a private dealer and you are just being cheap and disrespectful. If you aren’t prepared to pay without some cheap line like “can you match Audiogon”. My opinion but that is just disrespectful. They have a business to run