Trade off? New vs used

Tough choices,  would love to get a quality $30k preamp for a used price, eg Ayre Kx-r 20.

so do I get a new Audio Research ref 6se for $17k or get a comparably priced $28k preamp used for about same price?
Most of what I have was purchased second hand for about 50% of the new retail price.  In doing so, for the most part I gave up warranties and have picked up a lemon a couple of times, but overall I've spent a relatively small amount on repairs and have put together much nicer systems than I would have had I purchased everything new.  Even the new stuff, I've been able to get much of it at a significant discount through trade-ins, B-stock, refurbs, etc.  

As far as this:

How many people buy stuff after reading/learning without listening, ie. Blind faith?
I've been much happier overall with things that I've done extensive research on and purchased without ever listening to them than some of the impulse buys I've made because I heard it in a showroom and thought it sounded great.  Until I got it home and spent some extended time listening with my gear in my environment.

It's hard to sort things out from reviews because the professional reviewers tend to make everything sound flowery and the informal reviewers (like on this forum) come at things from different perspectives, ie. if all they've ever had is entry level gear, then something mid-fi may sound amazing to them while someone with a $25K preamp may be dismissive of a really nice piece that costs $5K.  If you're patient and read between the lines you can usually get a much better idea of how something will match your tastes and system goals by reading than a short demo in a showroom.

 Ive bought many pieces without ever hearing them. Even when I was lucky enough to find a dealer that had what I was looking for, the rest of the system was random and the room was way different than mine. Not a definitive demo. When Im looking to upgrade I zero in on a few brands and do as much research as possible, including soliciting advice here. My entire current system was purchased this way and Im very happy  ( for now ! ) The only components I bought unheard and was unhappy with was pre amps, and I was fortunate to sell them without really incurring much loss$. Finding a nice used piece at 50% off full retail is the way to go.
The safest and best thing to do is to audition, which reputable dealers will encourage. Whatever you are considering has to work well in the context of your system, room, and musical preferences. Emergingsoul, where do you live?