Oppo UDP-205 Op Amp, Linear Power Supply

I have the Oppo UDP-205.  I understand there are third party Op Amp, Linear Power Supply to buy that improves the unit.  What have you tried that worked.  I am game to improve mine.  Thank you!
I bought the linear power supply from a guy in South Korea, and I think it is major improvement. It was a direct drop in replacement. I also have mine plugged into a Bybee and Niagara power conditioners. And I have Stillpoints ultra SS underneath.

Like Ozzy, I installed a LPS SE from oppomod into my 203. (One is available for the 205.)  I installed an Orange SR fuse and will be installing an Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX soon. The LPS mod is plug and play and very easy. Perhaps the most improvement resulted from plugging the Oppo into my Shunyata Everest power conditioner.

PS I have no affiliation with oppomod but am a happy customer.
Clones Audio is a very respectable vendor for what you seek:

Scroll down for the OPPO mod and you'll also see the how-to video that accompanies the upgrade.

All the best,
^Not all mods will kill resale. Though many can and will, some won’t, such as the ModWright’s. It depends on what was done and perhaps even more importantly who did it.