TRL Audio Mirror D1 Signature

I recently had my Audio Mirror DAC modified by TRL. A review has been posted in the Product Review section. I will say that anyone owning or thinking or purchasing this DAC should consider this modification which is quite reasonably priced at $550. The DAC sounds quieter (-20db reduction in noise level), is more accurate and analog sounding (it was already a very analog sounding DAC so this improvement truly surprised me), and really improves the micro and macro dynamics. The overall presence of the music is much more pronounced. Notes just seem to appear or jump out at you. Truly an amazing upgrade, but be forewarned, it will require a 500 hour minimum burn-in process.
good. thanks. by the way, I compared Audio Mirror D2 to Bel Canto DAC2 in the same system. This would be a nice topic to discuss, but I am a lazy typist.
I too am considering a TRL mod. In my case a CDP, an esoteric DV-50. I spoke with Paul a couple of months ago when I had some trouble with my machine. He was very helpful even though I was not a customer. I really like my system right now, but if it can be improved easily like this, perhaps it is worth a try. Since I do much of my listening at low levels, Clio09's comments are especially interesting/appealing.

I have had a bad experience with a mod before, so I am a bit apprehensive.
Dbld - money back guarantee if you don't like the mod. Not much risk except shipping cost. No one has taken TRL up on this offer after receiving their modified player. This should give you added confidence in TRL's capabilities. If you really like your player and want to squeeze a lot more out of it this is the most economical route to go.
I too had bad experience with modded player(Sound Odyssey Music Hall CD25). That's why I am hesitant to mod anything else. The only thing I would mod without thinking twice is my McCormack DNA-125 amp. And that is only because Steve McCormack is the modder that works on it. To me, if the mods are done by someone who designed the equipment is a no brainer. But TRL has excellent reputation and I have never heard 1 bad thing about them.