What are your thoughts on the "Edsels" of the audio history?

It is a human normal to seek the best, and the world of the high end audio fan is full of that history.  But what about some of the dead-ends/failures?

How about Quadraphonic, Perfect Sound Forever, 8-track tapes, SQ and others in your thoughts/memory? 

The Bose 901 has been in production for over 50 years. I would not consider it a failure. No doubt about it , it still sells!
It had a long run, but Bose discontinued 901 production years ago.
What about the anti-static gun?  (It was said to get you high if you aimed it at your temple, but mine, alas, didn't do that well either.)
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The Edsel was a good car.  I grew up in Detroit, many families worked for Ford and used employee discounts to purchase them new and most of them couldn’t understand why it didn’t succeed.

Quad Decoders were the hot audio technology when I was in College.  I worked part time in a record store (remember those?) in Ann Arbor and the manager bought one and had a speaker (Advent 2) in each corner of the store.  No college kid could afford that set up, we sold zero Quad records.  I listen to Classical now exclusively and I have many of those same recordings as they have been remixed and issued on the Pentatone label as multi channel SACDs.
I am trying to remember what rock recordings were issued in Quad.
I remember one (I think it was The Who, possibly Tommy) that was mixed with bass in one speaker, lead guitar in another, drums in another...awful.