Vandersteen 3A Sig vs Harbeth vs Spatial OB

Hello, I am a long time lurker, read a lot of the commentary here. I am considering upgrading my system after many years, notably the loudspeakers.

My system is: Sony SCD-1 SACD player, CJ Sonographe TT with Jelco 550 arm and Benz Glider HO, Jasmine LP2.5 phono stage, Audio Research VSi-55 integrated amp, Epos M22 floorstanding speakers. Wire is Cardas, Audioquest and QED. I also stream using a Elac unit feeding a Chord 2Qute using Tidal. I also have a nice Primare I-30 integrated, solid state amp that I use sometimes in place of the Audio Research.

I am thinking about upgrading speakers. I had Vandersteen 1b’s years ago, liked them alot, felt they were a little too smoothed but otherwise excellent. Also had Sonus Faber Concertinos with a Velodyne sub which I enjoyed.

Considering speakers in the $2000-2400 price range used, in my 16x19x9 carpeted room, which has room treatments.

Candidates are:

Vandersteen 3A Sigs - heard these at a friends home, driven by a Hegel amp, sounded wonderful.

Harbeth Compact 7 ESIII - very good reputation and reviews, I have heard smaller Harbeths before, sounds very nice, sweet and warm with excellent midrange.

Spatial Audio M4T or M5 open baffle speakers - I am wondering about these and their OB style, they have seen excellent reviews. I have not heard them.

My musical tastes are reasonably varied, from some classical to some pop vocals to some jazz/folk and big band. I really like my Epos speakers but they are getting a little old, sometimes with digital music the tweeter can be a little sharp, especially with more popular recordings.  I prefer a full sound, excellent voices and strong bass.

Any suggestions or ideas would be welcome.
I’d strongly consider the LSA-20 Signatures being offered here by the manufacturer for $2500, and they offer a 30-day trial period that is obviously very helpful.  Read the reviews, but I think these would give you everything you’re looking for and more.  Best of luck. 
3 very different speakers all w relative strengths. I also had a pair of SF Concertino... that is a well executed forgiving but musical
tweeter... I am a known Vandersteen fan, owned 3a signature for many years of enjoyment- make sure they come w sound anchors and do biwire IF you go that way. Have fun, enjoy the music :-))) and the journey 
op, i think tomic says it well

all three you are considering are good speakers with different baskets of strengths and weaknesses, but it seems to me the trio of choices are well chosen given your musical preferences and ancillaries

i know the spatials need a lot of room to breathe, so depends if you can get away with having the speakers well into the room - i myself am getting a fresh pair of m3 sapphires very shortly to try - i too have been wondering for some time what all the fuss is about with the open baffle speakers... i have dipole quads esl63’s (and big maggies in the past) but since then i have done all box speakers - proacs harbeths spendors atc's mostly, yes bass from a box speaker has a certain character no doubt

iirc bigger vandy’s need quite some room to breathe too, probably the c7’s the least among your 3