Minimum standards within the High end speaker industry

I believe that there must be minimum standards within the speaker industry to prevent charlatans from gaining access to the marketplace. We must ensure that the industry is reputable and remains that way. We must protect consumers from speakers that masquerade as ultra high end designs when in fact they are of inferior quality.
Inferior quality speakers will still be allowed to be sold under the Kenjit mandate however they will need to be explicitly classified as such.

We currently do not have ANY standards let alone minimum standards and as a consequence the speaker industry has already been reduced to a hodgepodge of wildly varying speaker designs some of which are highly questionable or even downright fraudulent.

There can be no question that the industry requires minimum standards. I am not here to state what those standards should be but there needs to be a discussion about it. 

We need to start weeding out all those inferior speakers on the marketplace as they cannot possibly all be that different from one another. We must take action to ''Make high end speakers, great again!'' (TM pending)
Again with the trolling... if everyone clicks on the 'Report' button, this thread stands a good chance of going away. The 'Report' button is located at the lower right of each post including the original post.
It’s all candy, and I hate black licorice and anything cinnamon. And watermelon flavored too.

Those must be banned. Death to all pickles! May they never sully another hamburger again!

And..throw horseradish down the same hole.

Let us gather together and pray for salvation from these flavors and tastes.
Settle down folks. If he wants to troll let him do so to his hearts content. Perhaps not even reading his posts to begin with would be a good place to start.