What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  
Lots of interesting vintage equipment!  My favs are more modern but I remember as a kid my dad bought me a fisher component system for xmas that had a dual tape deck and turntable that kicked off my descent into the rabbit hole of high end audio.  I spent hours making mix tapes and playing 45's - it was for simple enjoyment of the music.  Was it the best ?NO. Was it my favorite? NO, but it was a lot of fun and nostalgic.

Keep the responses flowing!  Good Stuff. Plus, I learn from what people use!
Stax ESL F-81 electrostatic speakers.  Difficult to drive, limited bass and ultimate volume.  My favorite because it makes the most natural midrange I have ever heard as well as the most realistic sound staging (on a smaller scale) that I have heard.  I’ve owned them twice and not letting go of current pair.  
Nakamichi dragon cassette deck. Yes still own and still use often. This thing is still an amazing piece of equipment way ahead of its time. I will put in a tsk metal tape and people don’t believe that the sound is from a cassette deck. I still don’t understand the hate out there for cassettes. Yes with streaming you do not need to make a copy as in the past but old live recording I have still sound good.
Small Home Theater Front Speakers

DBX Soundfield 100


I told Donna, walking into 6th Avenue Electronics flagship store on 6th avenue (39th/40th street?): "We’re not buying, just a quick listen to these new speakers I read about". "Sir, where do I bring the car around to: front, side, rear door to pick them up?"

Maybe too small for a larger HT, but for me I will never part with them.

Their design creates a WIDE CENTER Image, 3 people on a couch all get imaging with the Phantom Center Sounds anchored to the video.

Surround Sound, IF the sound is directed to the center channel speaker, and the center speaker is on, everyone gets good center imaging no matter where they are sitting. But, other off-center imaging varies.

ANY Imaging, (surround material or 2 channel source) created by equal or deliberately unequal sounds from front left and front right speakers (Phantom as there is no center speaker involved) is only great seated in the center, progressively ’less great’ related to distance off-center, UNLESS the speakers are unique.

Basically, these DBX angle the drivers, like massive toe-in, aiming left to right, right to left. Sit centered, everything is centered. Move left: you are closer to the left speaker, however, the right speaker is aimed more directly toward you, thus the volumes from each are ’equalized’ by distance/direction. The result is a Phantom Centered Image while sitting off center.
tweeters on 3 surfaces to distribute highs everywhere.

Enough Bass to be enjoyable, and I added a single non-directional sub for Dinosaur Stomp extension.

Any current speakers specifically designed for WIDE CENTER Image available?
From an appearance perspective, the nicest piece of equipment I have owned was a JBL SA-660 integrated amplifier.  It was an amazing example of beautiful industrial design.  Wish I still had it.