1st Album you Ever Owned?

I hope this topic stirs up some great memories and further sharing of good music.
What was the first vinyl "LP" album you ever owned?

Mine was "Maynard '64" (Maynard Furgeson).  I was 10 and learning to play trumpet, and my dad bought this album for me.  He worked a lot, so it was really cool that he took the time to chase it down.

I cherished it and still have it, but it didn't take long to learn there was much better jazz out there.  In all fairness, I grew up listening to my parents playing Glenn Miller, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Dorsey - a pretty decent start given the general lack of recognition in the white middle class as to how African culture had molded the music they loved.

Please share your first LP experience!
Crosby, Stills & Nash. Still have it. Worked at a college radio station in the early 1970s (WESS FM) and we got demo's of just about everything. The station had 1,000s of albums by the time I left school, so there was little need to buy records. I did not have space for them in any case or $$$ for a turntable and stereo. Went on to work in commercial radio at WVPO AM/FM and again thousands of records for use on air.
Close to the Edge by Yes.  I clearly remember sitting in the basement, watching the tone arm drop and being blown away but what I heard.  The bass player in our high school band was a big Yes fan and said I had to get it.  Never heard them before and it totally opened my eyes & shaped my musical appreciation.
Rolling Stones - 12 x 5
Beatles - Hard Days Night on UA
Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane - After Bathing at Baxters
Moody Blues - In Search of the Lost Chord
Doors - Doors
Tim Buckley - Goodbye Hello
It's a Beautiful Day - It's a Beautiful Day