$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?

Current setup:
Marantz SR5005 (AV Receiver) + Peachtree Amp 500 + BluSound Node 2i + GoldenEar Trition 2+ = Current Setup

I'd like... no, want... no, desire... to add "Blue Meters" to my setup.  McIntosh haunts me.  For dozens of years.

My quandary:
Acquire a McIntosh C52/53, maybe C2600/2700... vs something like a Marantz AV7705 (or AV7706 appears it was just released).  Yes I know I'm comparing brie cheese and cheddar.  I'm more concerned with the notion that I can get "as good" sound out of that Marantz preamp, as I can from those McIntosh units... (ignore the multi-channel notions for the moment)

Is my sonic happiness "that much better served" by a McIntosh $7K unit vs a Marantz $2-3K unit?  How much difference can I expect?  
OP, get a Mac tube pre-amp. You want blue meters, so get the blue meters. It will be a huge sonic upgrade for you and you'll have a nice piece of gear, maybe for the rest of your life. The Peachtree amp is adequate from what I read but if it was me, I might hide that amp on the bottom shelf. You will not be disappointed. 
Tube gear sounds better than Solid State. You can get Burmester SS gear and it will be very smooth and resolving and dynamic. But it will not warm your heart. 
There were excellent companies producing tube gear. THE FISHER, SCOTT, MARANTZ, SANSUI, LUXMAN ... BUT McIntosh is the only left producing it. And it was technologically leading.
I can not afford McIntosh tube gear and I am very happy with my THE FISHER tube receiver as I am into vintage tube gear.
From a vintage gear tube point of view, there is nothing more beautiful than a PRECEIVER with a magic tuning eye and a nice stereo tube power amp with 35 watts to juice it.
This leading edge gear will provide you with a very solid stereo image, muscular sound and a very high sound to noice ratio.
If you want (almost) the same level go with a 35 watt tube receiver or used "modern" (1980) tube gear from Sonic Frontiers.
And receivers can sound really good - vintage tube receivers that is.

Update: I have a piece of gear inbound.  I actually made a bid on a C52, and after talking with the dealer who was re-selling it, was introduced to some other ideas.  The one I settled on, PrimaLuna EVO 400... should arrive today.  

After digging in... and seeing that SandyG himself used that equipment to demo the speakers I have (Triton 2+'s) ... I figured: "how could I go wrong?"

From all I've read, I'm sure I'll be thrilled.