@djones51 --
Moreover it's not an arena "... where any idiot can scream at the top of his voice his displeasure on any.. " 'posts' that he or she disapproves of by quickly fingering the report option, especially in light of:
That's the main contention, but indeed a fine line to walk sometimes by the moderators judging whether to close a post/thread or not. My initial gripe was seeing threads going by the wayside when valid questions were there to be further explored (and not knowing whether the issue was the poster who initiated the thread or whether the subject matter rubbed someone the wrong way - it may even have been both), not least the deletions that followed where I inquired into these matters of reporting too easily/frequently (and following their calls with deletions). That's why I'm happy to see this thread re-surfaced.
@northman --
Context; my first reaction was the deletion of a thread on speaker improvement (or not) these last 20 years, and hence in light of what followed it seemed only natural to initiate this thread on this particular forum section so to involve those connected in these followings.
So, no "etymological fun" but rather a natural consequence of what unspooled here.
@tuberculin --
My focus is neither, really.
This forums value and purpose is to discuss music and the equipment that reproduces it, if the moderators allow the subject to stray to far afield from that purpose then it's value has been diminished. This arena is not the public square where any idiot can scream at the top of his voice his displeasure on any subject and when I see conspiracy theory nonsense and links to sites that promote them you can bet I'm banging on the report flag.
Moreover it's not an arena "... where any idiot can scream at the top of his voice his displeasure on any.. " 'posts' that he or she disapproves of by quickly fingering the report option, especially in light of:
... It seems as though the initial accusations are rewarded, before confirmation of the veracity of the allegations being made.
That's the main contention, but indeed a fine line to walk sometimes by the moderators judging whether to close a post/thread or not. My initial gripe was seeing threads going by the wayside when valid questions were there to be further explored (and not knowing whether the issue was the poster who initiated the thread or whether the subject matter rubbed someone the wrong way - it may even have been both), not least the deletions that followed where I inquired into these matters of reporting too easily/frequently (and following their calls with deletions). That's why I'm happy to see this thread re-surfaced.
@northman --
Also, no one's free speech is imperiled by questioning why this thread was posted in the *speakers* forum (unless it's a subtle bit of etymological fun).
Context; my first reaction was the deletion of a thread on speaker improvement (or not) these last 20 years, and hence in light of what followed it seemed only natural to initiate this thread on this particular forum section so to involve those connected in these followings.
So, no "etymological fun" but rather a natural consequence of what unspooled here.
@tuberculin --
Does that include @millercarbon and @kenjit? I notice their usual nonsense is missing in this thread.
My focus is neither, really.