Why magic at 80 db?

I have Salk SoundScape speakers that have an Accuton midrange driver. When I listen to music at moderate levels, the music sounds plain. There is little that would make me think that I was listening to a great speaker. When I turn the music up till it reads 80 to 85 db on my Rat Shack meter, magic happens. I guess it is like that with live music, but I am not sure. I never take my meter with me. I am just confused. Anybody have any comments?

Rodman99999-Thank you very much for the website digido. A wonderful lesson in mastering and re-mastering regarding loudness levels. A bookmark for sure.
To follow up, here's some extended discussion from a mixing/mastering forum concerning how to set an 83db "reference level", how fatigue plays out at that level, different opinions regarding the potential for hearing damage based on time of exposure, etc. You guessed it, there's a forum for everything. If you're interested, you can also find extended discussions of mastering styles and theories, the benefits and evils of "compression glue", and all manner of other stuff that goes into the decision tree behind any given track. Personally, spent a bit of time digging into this stuff recently, but ultimately decided that ignorance is bliss on this one. (Figure I enjoy sausages a whole lot more for not knowing how they're made, either. But that's just me.)
I've been a professional musician for many years...guitar, loud bands, live sound mixing...blah blah blah...I was sitting in a movie theater a couple of years ago (rare for me as I usually wait for films to be available for home) waiting for the film to start and I was ASTONISHED at the high sound level of the previews...wow. I looked around thinking people must be stunned...and the crowd seemed oblivious. Amazing. The features seem a to run less hot, but still...wow.
The features seem a to run less hot, but still...wow.
observe the same thing on your TV set - the feature presentation will be at a lower volume compared to the ads that come every 10 minutes or so. MAke a note of this the next time you are watching TV (don't touch the sound level on your remote when the ads come on).