smaller speakers for critical listening?

I'm curious whether folks out here think that standmount speakers can reward "critical listening." 

I know that may be a ridiculous question; of course one can sit down with Radio Shack speakers and engage in serious listening, and of course the experience is subjective for all of us. I'm actually asking for subjective responses here. If your goal is a system for critical listening, do you think smaller speakers can do the trick or do you need the bigger soundstage and depth that can come with floor-standing, planar, or electrostatic speakers? 

I'm not asking which is *better* in a given speaker line, the small ones or the big ones, and I'm not thinking about $50k Wilson-Benesch Endeavours or the like. Before the pandemic I auditioned some highly enjoyable standmount speakers in the $5k-$10k range. However, listening for an hour in a store, I couldn't tell whether they crossed the threshold from "terrific sound for a small speaker" to pull-up-a-chair-and-tune-out-the-world bliss.

As you can probably tell, I'm struggling with my room; it's very hard to place big speakers in it. Otherwise I'd buy Maggies or Vandersteens or JA Perspectives, etc, and be happy. And, to repeat, I know that the threshold for critical-listening speakers is subjective. I'm asking for opinions and experiences!
Around $11-12K you can get Dutch and Dutch 8c. They work in about any room look up the reviews. They are large monitors. 
I have owned the 30.1 and the C7. They are both gone but the P3 remains. It’s all a matter of taste. After many speakers I’m finally off the speaker carousel!!
I really enjoy moderate to low volume listening for late night wind down listening and was at my current favorite dealer listening  to all his 2 way standmounts. First the selection was limited with Dali, Focal kanta 1 and persona b. I came home with the persona 7f. Buyer beware tis a dangerous path you travel.
@yogiboy, congratulations! Part of me wants to settle into some new speakers (and all of me wants life to return to normal so I can audition more), but I also admit that I enjoy the research. What will I do with all my time once I pick a pair of speakers? Oh, right--listen!

@djones51, I've read about the Dutch&Dutch 8c. I have to admit that I don't really understand active pro monitors. I understand the concept behind active monitors (and I've looked into Adam monitors for my son's digital keyboard), but not how they differ in terms of the experience of listening. It's also different that the places in the northeast that sell them are not traditional hifi stores. As I said, I'm going to have to look into them!
I've had some rather large speakers in my main system - Legacy Audio Focus 20/20, Klipsch (modified) KLF-30, Harbeth Super HL5 Plus (not that big and worth looking at) to name a few. 

I recently purchased KEF Reference 1 speakers and they hold their own and sound better than any of the others.  They are more detailed and can create an amazing soundstage if it's there in the recording and imaging is excellent.  I have 4 subwoofers in my system, which you probably won't be able to do if you have space issues, but they sound amazing in my rather large space even without the subs.  They do not sound "small" in any way.  

I also have Harbeth P3ESR.  I use mine in a nearfield setup for my computer system.  I have heard them in a larger listening space and they sounded wonderful, but I think you'd definitely need a sub (or more) with them.