@david_ten I guess I'm looking for something that's going to maximize the qualities of the speakers. Sounds like SET amps with zero feedback and great matches with these speakers. I've had Primaluna and Line Magentic tube amps in the past. I liked both. The LM was the LM-508 and it was the best sounding amp I've had. 48wpc Class A SET. However, it was a beast (hot and huge), had a bit of hum that never went away. The Primaluna was the older Dialogue One and it also sounded great, was really silent and was a bargain. I currently have a Tektron EL-84 that I could use. It's a push pull at about 10wpc and sounds really good. I know Tektron shows with Cube often. I also had an LTA Ultralinear and wish I hadn't sold it. It wasn't a good match with my speakers at the time but I wasn't planning on changing speakers so I sold it. Had I known I was going to be able to get these speakers I would've kept it. However, I would still like to try their REF40 amp. I guess I'm looking for anything that has that tube magic (texture, tone, imaging, dynamics), but also good control. Since these speakers are fairly efficient I'm open to whatever is going to deliver. I've also thought about looking for an Ayon Spitfire or Crossfire. I do have a Sachs tube preamp so I could just go with an amp, but if it's an integrated that could be ok too. A couple caveats... it has to look good as it's going in my living room and my wife needs to be happy too, and it can't be a huge monster that's nuclear hot (I have limited space). Some heat is to be expected but I want to be able to use it in the summer too. Anyway, any directions to point me in would be great. Thanks!